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Lacoste Intolerant

When a person refuses to wear/buy expensive clothing (ie. Lacoste, Ralph Lauren etc.). They will say that it makes them look 'preppy', and that they can find much cheaper clothing which, in fact, looks much better. They use this excuse to hide the real reason - they can't afford it.

Jeff: "Hey, like my new Lacoste polo?"
Melissa: "Why would you spend so much money on a shirt? I bought this blouse at Zellers for $7.99"
Jeff: "You're just Lacoste Intolerant, aren't you?"
Melissa: "Whatever" *Goes back in trailer*

by Satisfaction Jackson January 4, 2009

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cadillactose intolerant

the intolerance of cadillacs

That white girl is cadillactose intolerant drivin around in her Honda.

by Jakusia December 3, 2008

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blacktose intolerant

Some who, while not outwardly racist, may have negative views towards African Americans. A reserved racist if you will.

"Its not that mom wants to lynch Barack or anything, she just wont vote for him even though he is the best guy. she was raised during the jim crow times and is still a little blacktose intolerant. but shes not a racist."

by ninjarlou January 27, 2008

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Lactose Intolerant

1) Racism toward white people.

2) Dislike of suburban white subculture.

Not to be lactose intolerant, but I don't know how to pronounce like 80% of white girls names.

by Pokerplayingchop May 27, 2018

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LaCoste Intolerant

Someone who hates preppies.

You wanna go down to this bar in Irvine?

No thanks, Im LaCoste Intolerant, and just being in the presence of preppies makes me get farty and bloated.

by BJ Bruce August 6, 2007

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craictose intolerant

Craictose intolerant is a play on words using the Irish term for banter, craic and the common allergy to dairy products, lactose intolerance. It describes somebody why doesn't like fun and is appalled by the mere concept.

I just started slagging jimmy about his dead granny and he scowled at me, he must be craictose intolerant.

by MonkstownMan March 22, 2017

Sextose Intolerant

"Sextose Inteloerant" - an inability to release and induce the sensation in being stimulated during sexercise. Symptoms include frustration, headaches, blue-balls, dirty thoughts, uncontrolled wetness, and paranormal discomfort - ex. uncontrollable orgasm etc.

The symptoms may be prevented by masturbation, sexercising, meditation, physical activities which includes light or enormous work out to burn mental chemicals within your body.

"Anna is frustrated with the thoughts of sex, and pleasure, because she has no man to please her thirsty thoughts of sex, this drives her appetite to become Sextose Intolerant "

by Anthos El Ma'at Ra January 10, 2014