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pony pecker in a jockstrap

a hotdog

give me a pony pecker in a jockstrap with mustard,hold the relish

by bruno gaboni August 27, 2016

jockstrap cum-flakes

jockstrap cum-flakes are the pearly-white dried remnants of a guy's cumgasm in his jock.

A bunch of us cadets get together now and then and scrape the jockstrap cum-flakes out of our jocks, so we can snort cumcaine later!

by USAF Cadet July 10, 2021

163๐Ÿ‘ 240๐Ÿ‘Ž

jockin my jockstrap

a noisy mutha%$#$, someone always clockin you, someone peepin' you, just down right %$!@# inquisitive...

"Stop mutha$!@#$ jockin' my jockstrap", as she told her old man while he was peeping into her drawers.

by Getrich83 December 13, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

mouth like a mongolian wrestler's jockstrap

a foul tasting mouth. as in the morning after the night before

kevin was about to give june a first kiss when he discovered she had a mouth like a mongolian wrestler's jock strap

by theWestHamfan November 25, 2003

23๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Echoing in your jockstrap

looking for their small penis or genitals

Is your penis that small or are you echoing in your jockstrap?

by jondich February 12, 2020


An asshole whoโ€™s always touching a dick, specifically his. (Could fall into being an incel)

Josh is such a jockstrap

by expirelubejuice April 2, 2023


A disparaging way to refer to the type of sports fan, most obvious at the collegiate level, who likes to get a little too close to the players, especially after the game.

Euphemistic synonym: "Rabid fans."

"Before we conduct any interviews, it's a good idea to let the jockstrap-sniffers storm through here. Then we'll shoo them out and get down to business."

by al-in-chgo April 9, 2018