Source Code

Jumble Reading

Reading the words of a sentence out of order

The dog jumped over the fox
Would be read as
Over dog fox the jumped the

Mark is jumble reading so it will take him a while to finish the chapter

by Philharmonic April 24, 2022

flumble jumble

when everything is going wrong, or someone is behaving like a moron

my girlfriend just broke up with me, it's pouring down with rain and now my car has broken down. What a complete flumble jumble

by soapie ro June 6, 2009

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Spaghetti Jumble

In an orgy with multiple males: when two or more penises get entangled in what resembles a mess of noodles.

Josh and I were smashing a couple of dudes last night and we thought it would be pretty cool to make a spaghetti jumble and pour tomato sauce on it.

by Mr. Bait November 4, 2010

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Jumble legs

jumble legs: a term given when killing a noob at halo

-Also the term given for the rag doll effect in halo 3

-When the dead bodies legs move when t-bagging

-Term is also given when a player is much smarter and faster then you and gets the upper hand

-A glitch in Halo 3 that causes the body to twitch for no reason

Player 1"Dude look at your body is twiching out."
Player 2" I got some jumble legs going on."

Example 2
Player 1" hey matt look at my jumble legs."
Player 2" damn man you were quick."

Example 3
Player 2" dude i stuck you with that gernade and now your jumble legs are all over the place."
Player 1" Ya, those sticks can really make your jumble legs freak out.

Example 4
Player 1"dude look at this jumble legs, he's trying to no scope me and misses every time."
Player 2" Ya, man those jumble legs think they can no scope but they fail big time."

by stonedbloodlust June 19, 2009

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Mumbo jumbling

Undecipherable nonsense muttered under one's breath in moments of intense stress, anger, or amusement.

Pedro: Babashabashalingbingdafrinkatinkoorupikachashambeepoliutiurrambulooloo.

Pablo: Wtf did Pedro just say?!

Takashi: He is probably just mumbo jumbling about his history finals...

by Schwarzenipple June 10, 2016

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humble jumble

When you are trying to say the right thing in conversation, but because you are trying to be overly modest or careful, the words come out wrong, and offends the person to whom you are speaking.

Oh God, on my first date, at the beginning to less, I had a humble jumble. Good thing she didn't get up and leave, though. I guess that means she's nice.

by Ereck Flowers November 13, 2018

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jumble dup

The language in which a misformatted message appears to have been written.

I could not read your email. It was all jumble dup.

by Arcimboldo Todi April 15, 2011

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