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Kindergarten Gamer

A person who plays video games in a kindergarten fashion.

My cusin Josh is a Kindergarten gamer because he plays a FPS in third person.

by Andrew_86037 July 2, 2006

5👍 12👎

Kindergarten Art Class

The man first shaves his pubic hair and saves the hair in a cup or some other container. After having sex, the man ejaculates on his partner and sprinkles his stored pubic hairs over the fresh cum causing it to stick. Much like glitter sprinkled over glue.

I gave my girlfriend a Kindergarten Art Class last night. She woke up this morning with my iniyials stuck to her belly.

by D Snutz December 4, 2013

34👍 4👎

Kindergarten project

Getting a girl to suck you off, pull out right before you ejaculate and cum any design you prefer on her face. The next step requires you to blow glitter all over the girls face. Finally, give the girl a little shake to knock off any excess glitter, and your project is complete.

Kindergarten project

by Zane & Charlotte July 5, 2010

1👍 3👎

In a Kindergarten gone mad; the tall first grader is KING!

In a Kindergarten gone mad; the tall first grader is KING! — in an era of 21st century people questioning whether the world is round or flat; whether or not JFK is still alive; whether the photograph of the dress is blue or gold; whether gun violence, police overreach, and White extremist terrorism are actually American problems; and whether it was patriotic to attack the Capitol on 1/6/ 2021m it is clear that “The American Sheeple” are now ready for an insidious Ring Master — the aforementioned “Tall First Grader”.


Hence the expression: In a Kindergarten gone mad; the tall first grader is KING! — another way of saying in the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is King.

All people are waiting for is someone who will validate their idiocy; and, promise to guide them to that “Kool-Aid Promise Land” where their wildest dreams will come true.

America is ready to “beam up” or perhaps “go noisily into that good night” Manson Family style: Helter Skelter! Or, maybe we can burn ourselves up with our Bibles and imitation Jesus figures and our guns until all that is left are the songs they will sing about the day we gave in to The Audacity of Nope an surrendered to our worst angels.

Gods Bless America.

In a Kindergarten gone mad; the tall first grader is KING! Is another way of saying in the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is King.

by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 9, 2023

143👍 8👎

Kindergarten Dick

Refers to a randomly occuring "small penis" situation, where the individual's member isn't usually an inch or two, but becomes as such for a time, like when someone drinks too much and their penis shrinks to nothing, but the head and minimal shaft.

"He drank so much, that his KD shriveled to match a half roll of coins!

"Yeah, he had the worst case of KINDERGARTEN DICK I've ever seen!"

by MorrighanKrow June 30, 2019

Kindergarten 2 fanfiction

Fanfiction about the game kindergarten 2 what did you expect

"Hey wanna read some kindergarten 2 fanfiction?"

by AmogustoastfardXD1000000000001 August 10, 2021

Kindergarten cock

A really small dick!

Damn you have a kindergarten cock!

by Normalnametaken October 6, 2013