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Castle Learning

An online testing/review program designed by sadists who enjoy seeing students of all ages cry at receiving low grades while taking online tests that score themselves automatically. Every so often the system will randomly freeze before telling you whether you were right or wrong just to increase your heart rate 10 more BPM.

Student: The Castle Learning is due at 11:59 pm tonight.
Friend: I know, I just finished it and got an 86. We only learned half the questions in class.

by Tells-Many-Truths March 21, 2016

learning juice

A "learning juice" is an alcoholic drink you have before a certain class used to enlarge your confidence in your abilities and therefore lets you contribute more to class. Its secondary purpose is to make the class more bearable.

I feel like having a learning juice before Spanish class today to loosen my tongue a bit.

by bottle of wine April 12, 2017

Carnegie Learning

A murderous educational math program that was made in a specific ring of fire in hell called Satan's asshole. Students who come in contact with the program are forced to give up their souls and faith in humanity after using the online learning program and after using the books. It also causes both students and teachers to cry themselves to sleep every night due to the horrendous amount of math problems.

I may be a fuckboy , but at least I don't use Carnegie learning

by maricalamari January 5, 2015

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plain and simple HELL where teachers evolve from friendly creatures to level 10 hostile mobs. Most confusing attendance in history. but happens to be the only time in history where i'm getting straight A's. (also gives me an opportunity to flirt without real interaction ;)

Friend 1:Hey, you do E-Learning for health?
Friend 2: Yea I just copy and pasted all the definitions. You do Math?
Friend 1: Yea I used photomath and mathway and got a 95%

by Santa Baby โ™ก April 17, 2020

Cashcab learning

The stuff they make you learn in school that won't help you in the real world anyway.

Stuff you wouldn't need to know unless you were on Cashcab. Cashcab learning.

by Texasfreak March 27, 2009

learning curve

the rate of a person's progress in gaining experience or new skills.

"the latest software packages have a steep learning curve"

by Anarchist Hawke November 25, 2013

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learning curve

Generally defines the amount of effort and/or time someone is willing to invest in learning something new.

A "steep learning curve" means more effort and/or time was required than they were willing to invest.

"OMG this new thing has such a steep learning curve!"

by namsupo September 6, 2015

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