Source Code

p masta

someone who is the masta of P.. of the "p masta" - P stands for many things.. like POO

colin is the poo masta

by M-Poo October 30, 2003

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Ownage Masta

An Ownage Masta is a person who constantly owns others.
Ownage Masta is also said when someone owns someone else, then they can declare, "Ownage Masta!"
See ownage

Bob and Fred are playing Halo.
Bob snipes Fred from a super far distance.
Bob says, "Ownage Masta!"

by jonathanisfast March 22, 2006

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Pronounced as per masterbate. A reference to the TV Show 'Master Chef'. Cooking, or discussing cooking in a pretentious and self indulgent manner. A cooking wanker.

i couldn't stand the way he was masta-chefing. What's wrong with cheese on toast?

by timetrialer69 December 14, 2011

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Crap Masta

1. A person (usually a friend) who screws you over cheaply. This is usually nothing serious - Ex. While playing a video game, your friend camps and kills you a lot, making him a Crap Masta. See also camper

<head shot> Man, stop camping you crap masta!

by DarkEye May 3, 2005

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Masta G

From the slums of Boston, the pimp of Beantowne, also known as G-Money, G-$, Da G Masta, or Da Muddafuckin' G.

Producer of dope hip-hop beats and tracks, soon to be all over the country blowin' up. Causing a MAJOR buzz in the city of Boston, and always keepin' shit tight.

Doesn't fuck around with nobodies, only messes with perfect tens.

Dude #1: "Shit man I went to the DOPE club last weekend... shit was off the HOOK."

Dude #2: "For real? Who was spinnin' tracks?"

Dude #1: "Masta G, fool! He was bumping CRAZY beats and had ALL his bitches with him!! Shit was TIGHT!!"

Dude #2: "Awwwww shit!!! He gonna be there this weekend?!?!"

Dude #1: "Hell yea he is!"

Dude #2: "Well can I come wit ya?"

Dude #1: "Psshhh, fuck naw, you broke ass bitch. You can't fuck wit G-Money!"

by Frankulous October 1, 2006

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smoke masta dank

legendary new orleans rapper.

He has a posse.

put on that sun valley deth trap and listen to smoke masta dank.

by urinehat January 4, 2007

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masta k unit

a ganster name for people with names that start with k. it is used by people who just dont feel cool enough being referred to by their real name

Amanda: hey, what's your name?
Karen: masta k unit.
Amanda: oh wow.

by iloveyou xoxo July 25, 2009

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