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Michael Stivic from "All in the Family"

ARCHIE - "You are a MEATHEAD!"

by Bunker Lover December 5, 2004

82πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


A person who people think is dumb just because they have muscles. However the weaker people in society have no idea what kind of training and knowledge it takes to become a master physical specimen. Many weaker people say that meatheads are obbsessed with their muscles. Obsession is a word that the lazy use to describe the dedicated.
Meathead= a highly dedicated and smart person who looks for a healthier lifestyle than the fastfood eating video gaming losers that wear their sisters pants.

Examples of meathead. Police officers, Firefighters, Military, EMT's, Athletes of all kinds, Personal trainers.

by Smartmeathead January 31, 2011

181πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž


Meathead is the common name for a species that is believed to be the evolutionary deadend from cross-breeding between chimpanzees and neanderthals. Meatheads may be identified by their physical traits which include abnormally large upper torso and especially large biceps (or β€œguns”) and low mental capacity. They may be observed in their natural environment "the gym" and typically congregate around squat racks and dumbells. They are often observed carrying gallon jugs of water and protein bars and/or shakes. It is highly recommended to speak slowly, using the most basic vocabulary when conversing with a Meathead.

Meathead1: "Have you tried the new protein powder? It has 51g per serving!!"

Meathead2: "Have you tried the new protein bar? It has 25g of protein!"

by weezy12 March 6, 2013

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A person who achieves greatness through self-motivation, dedication and knowledge of the bodybuilding art. They are looked down upon by the weaker willed, excuse ridden, unmotivated scum of the Earth. A meathead strives to prove the power of the human body and potential dedication of the human mind. They do not demand respect; they earn it.

Landia Whales - "Look at those stupid meatheads"
Everyone else - "They looking dedicated, thick, solid and tight. It seems like they smart enough to understand the basics of nutrition, so who is stupid now?"

by mirin_zues_son August 29, 2012

27πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


a major doucher(s) who gets an erecjion from lifting heavy weight, drinking mad protein shakes, and injecting steriods up their friends asses. These men also enjoy checking eachother out and often have circle jerk congregations with fellow meathead douchers.

David says, "Why does Axel have an boner...?"
Dan says, "He's a meathead... him and his meathead friends get off when they drink protein shakes and lift heavy weight together."

by Raey-Dale March 21, 2009

26πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A Small Brained Individual, Who thinks about nothing but Lifting Weights, Protein Shakes, NAPS, Wearing Cutoffs, Night Clubs, and impressing, women, usually 2 to 3 years younger than themselves. They Wear Shirts too small and, don’t care about school until they find out benching 350 pounds wont get them a job at the big business. Meatheads will have a myspace, showing numerous pictures of themselves flexing and showing off their polished muscles. Future involves bagging food at local convenient store. When having spare time they can be found at the local, GNC. Meatheads associate themselves as in some sort of mafia ex: Sleeveless, Mafia. In 10 years you can usually find this, mafia working a low wage job like blockbuster cashier, or of a fast food restaurant reminiscing of their high school, glory days!

Gerald is usualy a Strong Meathead name along with Carl
myspace example http://myspace.com/213951608

by M-Twon July 23, 2007

16πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


One that cannot think or talk about anything except rowing, riding, wieghts or other forms of strenous activity.

T: S, what are you doing tonight?
S: Oh, a 20min ergo then 40min ride then 5km run, pretty standard

by the guy who is classified as h2 August 20, 2003

34πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž