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Misery Master

A individual who has severe western world misery. Usually failed in college and just tries to survive. For instance, working at the local post terminal or as a janitor at the hospital earning minimum wage.

The misery master dreams of a better life for himself that does include misery of any kind.

Not getting laid and growing old and disgusting does not concern the misery master since more pressing misery occupies his time.

Guy 1: Damn i am tired i worked 5pm to 5am and earn close to nothing wtf!?
Guy 2: Your such a misery master!

Guy 1: Damn I got to move in with my parents and I am 27!
Guy 2: Man your straight up misery master!

by Krister & Joel May 15, 2009

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Misery Face

A guy who is antisocial, and when speaking makes certain peoples faces hurt.

Has great qualities in guilt tripping and a tendency to linger in the past.

He expresses his feelings in some with wittly named bebo posts.

He also likes music wayyyy to much!

You know who you are misery face.

by Knife Artist October 13, 2009

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Fort Misery

Slang for Fort Myers, FL. A city in Lee County. It's next door neighbors are Cape Coma and No Fo. It's referred to by many as Fort Misery because it's an unbelievably boring town that has a knack of sucking you in and you can never escape.

Person A: "I wish I could move out of this town."
Person B: "You know that's not going to happen dipshit, you live in Fort Misery. There's no escaping this armpit of the nation."
Person A: "I know, it's like a black hole that you can never escape from. Anyone I've known to move away always ended up coming back..."

by John Boy28 January 15, 2009

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misery insurance

Betting against your team winning a sporting event to create a win-win situation.

Your team wins: you are happy (WIN)

Other team wins: You win money (WIN)

by Gumba Gumba August 4, 2004

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Misery God

The one true God! all other god are false as the misery god touches both human and nerd alike!

The misery god strikes when you least expect it. When you think things are going pretty well in your life the misery god punishes you without remorse. He can strike hard at your family, car, studies, work and relationship, just to see your sad and pathetic face.

Super Joe: "Man! I got home this morning and somebody (nigger) broke into my apartment and stole my PS3 and my laptop!"

Random chum: "ROFLMAO! The misery god owned your ass!"

by NisseG May 15, 2009

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Misery chick

An ex-girlfriend who was a bitch to be with, and still continues to give you misery in one way or another after you dump her. Misery chicks love to spread gloom and doom to every corner of your life. This type of chick loves to see you unhappy and being with her often results in having an "icebox where your heart used to be".

Winston: Man, there's this girl who I'm really into, but she's always saying that I don't open up to her and that she can never get close to me, ya know?

Frank: Dude, it's probably that misery chick Colleen that set you back a couple of emotional steps.

Winston: Ya, that chick was a bitch!

by chemistryandphysics September 28, 2009

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Misery Pile

The stash of empty beer cans and bottles of alcohol that you hide from your parents because you're too afraid to take them out to the trash and get caught. Usually in a closet or drawer, in a strewn-about, unorganized manner.

Dude, throw those bottles in the Misery Pile" "I don't think there is any room." "Fuck!... we're awesome.

by KingAlmightyHotshit January 21, 2011