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Mowing my lawn

When someone is stealing your customers. (usually used in drug dealing)

Quit mowing my lawn bro, get of my turf!

by Jetinsky! April 17, 2019

Mow Gretzky's Lawn

When a upcoming hockey athelete has to gain favour of their team by trimming the ass hairs of their coach.

Man, I had to mow Gretzky's lawn to make captain of the team.

by Brownlow January 7, 2014

mowing my lawn

It means basically the same as getting up in someone's grill, bugging them, eating their eats or invading their privacy

"Yo man stop getting up in my grill, mowing my lawn"

by mur11 July 29, 2006

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Mowing my lawn

Its wat u say to ur freinds wen u want to stay home and do watever, especially video games, mainly madden 08. people usually do this wen they first get a new game or something.

"Guys i cant hang out today, im gonna be mowing my lawn, and then after that, i have to buy some.... shorts" says kevin

"O, ok kevin" says me

by Emcee Carthy August 16, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

whatever mows your lawn

see whatever lights your candle

dya wanna go to the cinema or bowling
whatever mows your lawn

by Lel July 7, 2005

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mowed lawn

A woman with her pubic hair shaved is said to have a mowed lawn.

Candace got a mowed lawn today.

by Louisiana Tiger January 16, 2020

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Mowing Lawn

To clean up/take care of, someone else's business. Most commonly used when referring to "someone else's business" as women.

To take another man's object of affection, right from under him.

Even though Gary really liked Miley, Adam really 'mowed his lawn' by having sex with her first. Therefore, Adam is really good at 'mowing lawn'.

by doomsday00 February 18, 2009

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