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Camp Mystic

A home away from home. Heaven for 4 weeks every year. The best camp in the whole world. GTACM

Girl- I'm so tired of Dallas, I'm going to Camp Mystic

by gtacm July 9, 2011

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mysticism and paranormal

Forum on the shroomery with magic, crystals, goths, and a general lack of coherent reasoning.

(Posted in Science and Tech)
Hey guys! I was reading some of Alex Jones' articles and I suddenly realized that the oil companies are killing all the alternative energy proponents. OMG, amirite?

So what do you say we do to ensure that hemp and patchouli energy sources are saved from this conspiracy!

1st Reply: Go back to mysticism and paranormal with the rest of the nutjobs.

2nd Reply: OMG! Contact middleman and arrange a crystal seance quick! Only the vibrations of the earth mother can save us!

3rd Reply: DSHSB

by Rahie May 28, 2008

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mystical creatures

These are creatures who we humans may or may not believe in. They can live anywhere, look like anything, and possibly do things we never dreamed was possible. most of the animals are related to magic which is why most humans have never seen any.

the yeti, loch ness monster, bigfoot, unicorns, goblins, sprites, fairies, etc. are all examples of mystical creatures.

by Mrs. Cullen July 5, 2008

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mystic pineapple

A legendary drug that submerges the user in a world of pure ecstasy with no physical or psychological side effects. Sought by many, it's very existence has been questioned by experts.

Random guy #1: Dude did you see that guy? He looked like he was trippin on friggin mystic pineapple.
Random guy #2: Dude I gotta get me some of that

by adn March 4, 2005

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Hipster Mystic

Hipster mystics seek the ancient wisdom and disdain the teachings for the masses; they are into the secret and old-school. They believe that the experience of mystical ascent and sublime insight is ineffable, and their groups teach of a need for silence on the matter, so they are very esoteric. They are unimpressed by people's possessions and self-centered accomplishments, which comes off as condescension. Their spiritual journey and wisdom has brought them serenity and confidence, which is viewed as an air of being too-cool-for-school. They are uninterested in the latest styles and they dress however they want, so counter intuitively, they are highly stylish.

When a mystic embodies these qualities they are the ultimate hipster: the Hipster Mystic

Guy in a pub: What do your tattoos mean?
Hipster mystic: You wouldn't understand.

Stylish woman: Where did you get that shirt?
Hipster mystic: The dumpster.
Stylish woman: Cool.

Scientist: Recent studies have demonstrated that we live in a fractal universe.
Hipster mystic: Heraclitus said that 2,500 years ago.

Colleague: What are you doing today?
Hipster mystic: Going to the Hermetic Library to review an alchemical treatise.
Colleague: Oh... okay.....

Christian: Do you believe in Jesus?
Hipster mystic: No, but I do believe in Christ the Logos. He was way before Jesus.

by Kristoforokko June 29, 2013

mystical dragon

When a girl is giving you a blowjob and you are ready to cum, you punch her on the top of the head and watch it come out her nose.

I gave that bitch the hardest mystical dragon last night.....i wonder if she will call me back

by Michael111887 March 19, 2008

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Mystic Mill

A new local head shop located in Eastown on the east side of Grand Rapids MI. They have a wonderful selection of high quality glass with name brands like kaos and a lot of localy blown glass. It is a new shop so give it wonderful support for its courage in a "new-age" community.

Dude lets go to the mill!! "Whoa dude thats a sick bong where did you get it?"

The mystic mill...

Oh wurd! that place is sick!!

by Mr. Fugu February 1, 2010

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