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new age hippie

Someone who knows nothing about the 60's or hippies in general, but likes to snap an elastic band around their head, wear tye-dye and act like they know what a hippie actually is. Oh, bytheway, Uggs are not hippie shoes, fuckheads.

Dude 1: Look at that hippie! She's hot!
Dude 2: Oh yeah! Wait... She's a new age hippie, gross.
Dude 1: I see the headband now. Right, gross.

by JD* November 2, 2009

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New Age Geek

A new age geek is someone who has the usual high IQ and social characteristics (lack of social skills) of a geek but their style of clothing is more socially acceptable.

At first I thought Tony was a cool looking guy, but he proved to be just a New Age Geek." "See that chick over there? Don't talk to her; she's a New Age Geek.

by squareiswhatiam May 19, 2011

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Rapper/New age

Born on May 21st, in brooklyn, NY

Cris Cain- Rapper/New Age

by Cris Cain November 7, 2010

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new age retro hippie

An enemy in the SNES game EarthBound. This tree-hugging freak has 87HP and sometimes drops freakin' rulers. Th

Ness tried PSI Rockin' Omega!
Holy crap! 999HP damage to the New Age Retro Hippie!
Whoa, who knew it could hit that high?

by King, Ness's dog August 17, 2007

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new-age pop culture

A term coined by Kush Boys Worldwide that describes a diverse demographic composed of creative, productive, and fun-loving individuals who advocate personal freedom and empowerment, and who like to remain current.

This demographic includes, but is not limited to, members of the cannabis culture and those concerned about protecting the environment.

The new line of dresses made of hemp and bamboo fabrics appeal to the new-age pop culture.

by The SFChronic May 19, 2011

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new age fuck you

When someone pisses you off real bad, you go home and remove them from your friends from social network sites (ie: Facebook).

"Did you see the pictures of Jim on MySpace?"
"No, I'm not friends with him anymore since I gave him the new age fuck you."

by Denied616 November 22, 2009

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New Age Bogan or NAB

NAB or New age bogan a person who drives a 4 to 6cly imported cars from japan and think's it's a race car but really it's a japanese family sedan eg. 4 door Skyline, honda and a toyota soarer and often have what is called a car slut or skank.

A female that will sleep with anyone and are 15 to 20 years younger then the male. This person will hate holden and ford as they will be beaten be these cars all the time most of these. NAB's will work at place like KFC and Mc donald's and most of them will join a car club called boostcruising they will drive there full sick rice's and hang out at most KFC and or Mc Donald's car parks AKA there work and most of these car's don't have boost AKA turbo's and or supercharger's.

gay carp NAB shit race rice fagNew Age Bogan or NAB

by W.H.Runner July 19, 2009

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