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murder worth

Fort Worth, Texas where errbody got burners an will pop a nigga in a heartbeat bodies stay dropping.

Man don't be sleeping this Murda Worth keep ya hand on the nine, murder Worth fort Worth Texas

by Funky town gs ss February 11, 2016

46๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

not worth the misery

A position of intentional reserve and calm stability; having learned through personal experience the abject futility, emotional exhaustion and disappointment sustained in attempting to influence another individuals thoughts, words or deeds.

So, I've just given up trying to get people to stop smoking, texting/drinking-and-driving, bullying others and farting in public...its just not worth the misery.

by YAWA April 25, 2019

27๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

murda worth

fort worth, funkytown, or tha funk....an alias of fort worth, tx

say where u from?

murda worth texas!

by tha franchise December 8, 2007

100๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Worth, IL

Town of hillbillies, just south of Chicago.

Where the kids smoke too much pot,
the adults can't go a day without a drink,

and the old folks aren't medicated properly.

Perfect place to take a trip to if you want to feel depressed and/or see low-life Juggalos.

What's the fastest way out of Worth, IL?

by Jeff2030 November 17, 2009

56๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

worth the climb

Used to describe women with long beautiful legs who stand taller than a lot of men. Popularly used by B-movie queen Julie Strain in reference to her 6'1" height, but can be used for any tall beautiful lady or amazon.
She may be taller than you, but she's worth the climb.

Ash is taller than me when she puts her heels on, but goddammit, she's definitely worth the climb.

by Brunk ass Dastard June 13, 2008

An Internet's Worth

n. A hyperbole used to represent a large amount of something.

I'm downloading an internet's worth of porn over here, sweeet balls!

Dude you have like an internet's worth of booze, i am going to be SO DRUNK.

by Chris Redfield August 14, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

BallBags Worth

An excessive amount of money. Another way of saying โ€˜a Shit Loadโ€™

John spent a BallBags Worth on that trip to Dubai

by ABC March 20, 2021