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Numb Digger

A digger/miner who suffers from congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP) CIP is a rare disorder, first described in 1932 by Dearborn as Congenital pure analgesia. Dumb. nigge- I mean Numb Diggers are prone to Ligma, which is a deadly type of strand of Sugma.

Man, I punched him real hard. He must be a numb digger! Or just a dumb nigger...

by Fart Fella May 7, 2021

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numbing depression

Numbing depression is when u are in such a deep part of depression that all your feelings have become numb and can't not cry anymore...

Mario: why are u so emotionless

Josh: I have numbing depression

by That one ugly kid June 26, 2017

Numb Hammer

When you have been sitting so long that blood has temporarily stopped flowing to your penis and it gets numb.

HOLY SCHNIIIKIES! I can't feel my hammer!

Dude, it's OK, you've just got Numb Hammer...

Oh OK... :)

by minuccp March 27, 2009

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numb dick

when you jack off so much you lose all the feeling in your dick.

When having the opportunity to go balls deep you will be limp as fuck because you got numb dick.

In hodgetwin video titled " Porn can ruin your life"

"you squeezed the fuck out that bitch , your damn mushroom tip is numb as fuck, you aint gonna feel shit because your'e use to your hand man.. and you squeezing the fuck out that bitch with some lube and shit.. trust me man id dun have numb dick before man, that what you got , you got numb dick"- Hodgetwins

by twin nation August 21, 2013

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numbing out

Is a psychology/ recovery term, when someone is procrastinating, isolating themselves, and going nowhere. Being stalled and not taking care of business.

I should've solved the problem, but I was just numbing out, I really need to do something!

by dah_09 January 23, 2009

Numb Digger

A digger who is numb.

He is a numb digger.

by Nunndfadakfjadfkjaeiei3eraerre August 21, 2018

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numb clit

When a girl has an uptight attitude most likely caused by long periods of time without sex. Girls who ruin the fun.

"You get her number?"
"Nah she wasn't down. Bitch got a numb clit."

by JuicyJules88 December 12, 2015