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The Outsiders

a wonderful book writen by S.C. Hinton tht is in my opinion a story so true that you cannot help but shed a tear. The Characters are so well created and you feel like youve met the 14 year old Ponyboy. I strongly suggest reading it!

This book is breathtaking and sad and all these different things: Happy, Sad, Funny, true, false, ect.

by One whom cannot express feeling thew words but threw actions concerning a nail and your head May 18, 2005

515๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž


Alone, loner, not around others much

Who's that?
Must be an Outsider.

by WC223 February 3, 2015

41๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


From former University of Warwick professor of philosophy and proponent of accelerationism Nick Land's Twitter handle @Outsideness. Land commonly spends his days shitposting on Twitter.

Hey, did you see that new Outsideness post?

by Bombius Sheeppius December 25, 2020

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

outside in

A term used to describe a simplistic mentality wherein a person has little or no inner life and whose appearance and material world defines them.

She copes with the pain of her early life by living from the outside in.

by Dr Bunnygirl August 24, 2019

20๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Outsiders

A good book, but fangirls will ruin it for you once they get a glimps of young Matt Dillon. If you ever read this book, do NOT show a Yoadam.

The Outsiders is a good book, but the movie has been ruined by a Yoadam.

by Brady Seesholtz iz kul April 4, 2018

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Outdoors. Not inside any sort of man-made structure. The opposite of inside and indoors, and synonymous with outdoors.

Put your hood on, Little Timmy; it's cold outside today.

by Diggity Monkeez April 4, 2005

55๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


An artist who doesn't suck up to the tradition of art, who is either weird or self taught or just makes things that they like. Usually didn't go to art school and may sell their art for money. Craft and primitive art of the urban experience

I love outsider art! it's just too ugly!

by monkiki April 22, 2005

159๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž