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Partial sexual

The person who didn't know which sexuality one have,in other words,he/she doesn't know if they are straight,gay/lesbian or bisexual. They are asexual before they find out their sexuality.

I have a partial sexuality.

by Anshi the vinci June 26, 2022

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

partial nudity

Incomplete visible exposure of naughty bits.

peeking aereola, small patch of visible pubic hair, scott baio.

by Scott Baio March 23, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Partial Arts

A fighting style which contains a mix of various martial arts and just plain punching and kicking.

"Wow! Joe just went crazy violent on Bob! What fighting style was that?"
"Oh, it was partial arts."

by NOeskimos April 15, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

partially promiscuous

Somewhere in between promiscuous and whore. One leg in the whore door and one leg in the promiscuous door. Right in the middle. You're on the verge to the whore line but you just haven't crossed that line.

Brenda's not a full blown whore. She just enjoys an occasional random cock with a trip to pound town with someone other than her partner. By definition she is technically not a whore but, Brenda has potential. Brenda is partially promiscuous.

by Buttaflymuffin November 6, 2017


With as much possibility of a SERENDIPPITY of occurring because in the sentence form it will prove quite well , why this works.

If you introduce the homonyms of the word itself it becones a new form of discovery.

When you have just a comparison of two different words itself as due to varying context meaning with a plethora of languages it can readily be discerned PARTIAL DISPARATE o inside just one comparison of change of ordering of two words but keep in mind only ONE LANGUAGE at a time is the rule of the foundation of what is ca!ked the CHANGE IN PERMUTING the TWO WORDS keeping the sane language.

Give an example: SMOKE FREE is not the same as FREE SMOKE ,however in a FIRE emergency SMOKE FREE and FREE SMOKE abashingky SARDONIC it is.

WET ELECTRICIRY is just as dangerous as ELECTRICITY WET but not as WHET ELECTRICITY if you were in a drought as that is your classic THUNDERSTORM.

You may say with confidence the entire idea of the GOOGLE name itself can bring many possibilities with just a split in meaning of PARTIALLY DISPARATE words that can become the SAME OR DIFFERENT.

THE goid example is using HOMONYMS AS from GOOGLE as you can say ADD MORE WORDS.

An example as GOOGLE GOOGOAL.



Partial to the Pickle

General preference towards the male sex; a preference for the male sex organ.

My hairdresser is partial to the pickle.
Many folks in SF are partial to the pickle.
My wife is partial to my pickle.

by yellowhau5boys January 16, 2012

partial nut

a nut that turns out to be an autistic kid

turns out that I was a partial nut

by Therealkuhndaddy May 28, 2018