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pastoral pass out

The ability to have a group of pastors rejoice in such a way , it looks like they're about to pass

A pastoral pass out includes Jumping up & down , continuos chanting without knowledge of any reverent language

by Faithmoriahfaith February 21, 2013

National pass out on will websters beach day

August 9th is national pass out on will websters beach day, get so drunk you pass out on the sand.

"National Pass Out on Will Websters Beach Day" is described as a day on August 9th where people drink as much alcohol as they can until they pass out on the sand at Will Websters Beach.

by Hdbejdidn August 9, 2024

Tactical pass out

While drunk, making the responsible decision to end the night on your own terms; because you know if you don't the rest of your night will only get worse.

Kat- "Hey Tony what happened last night? You missed the after party."
Tony- "Sorry, I had to pull a tactical pass out before shit got real ugly."

by Tonybaloneypony April 11, 2017