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the best person put on this earth

the best person put on this earth is named damon, he is the best.

damn i talked to the best person put on this earth today.

by skateeefasstttteattttttcach December 3, 2018

Joshua/the best person ever

Josh is the coolest of kids! He does NOT deal drugs with his grandma, no matter what anyone else says! If his last name is Hannington, he is the most amazing person you would ever meet! He usually loves penguins too.

Joshua/the best person ever is cool

by Josshshhahshsh November 24, 2019

The best person

me lmao cry about it

I am the best person

by Little Gay Riding Hood June 10, 2022

Best person in the whole universe

person named ray

Ray is the best person in the whole universe

by Void<333 October 31, 2021

the best person in the whole world

my gf DB

the best person in the whole world is db.
kb loves db so much!

by ilovemygfshesminehaha November 22, 2022

The Best Person in the Whole World

Quinny is

Quinny is the best person in the whole world

by luvmae uwu March 5, 2022

The Best Person In the World

The best person in the world is Leah Alexa White!! She is the best because she is kind and doesn’t give a fuck about what people say about her , shes kind and caring to her friends but not to you she’s a Gemini .. I LOVE YOU LEAH !!!

ex: you:u are the best person in the world

ex: Leah: I know I am

by Your Best Babe October 3, 2021