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Catch phrases

A stupid way to say something and don't say anything at the same time. See also All your base are belong to us (which is the most annoying), I'm Rick James b******************* and That's hot!. Don't you dare saying a catch phrase in a MMORPG.

Guy no.2: Let's play Battlefield! All your base are belong to us.
Me: Die all ยฌยฌ

These are examples of stupid catch phrases ยฌยฌ

by Palas August 15, 2006

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Bitch Phrase

A phrase or term used by someone a lot. The persons friends will then start teasing him or her about using it so much.

Bob: Come on guys, don't be gay, let me have a go!

Everyone else: Ha ha! You say 'Don't be gay' so much! That's your bitch phrase, bro! (Much taunting and teasing.)

by ThePanda37 October 4, 2013

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nothing phrase

Phrases that lend no value, insight or confidence to a situation and are made in ignorance as an attempt to assert ones dominance or leadership. Usually coming from an inept leader or manager who is either insecure about their station or unable lead properly.

The reality is - nothing is really being said and, in reality, only serves to highlight someones insecurity, in effect doing the opposite of the intended effect.

Any man who must say, "I am the king" is no true king - Tywinn Lannister

Spoken: "How everyone stops talking and gets back to work."
Reality: โ€œIโ€™m insecure and need to say something, I will use a nothing phrase to seem important right now.โ€

by Checkitright April 26, 2017

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a kind of catch-phrase used at the point of climax during a sexual encounter

girl 1: this guy i fucked last night had the weirdest cli-phrase!
girl 2: what was it?
girl 1: wowzers

by AlphaKennyBody-- April 24, 2011

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Power phrase

Tank version of the word paraphrase by people lacking in englishness/engrish

There are too many quotes to remember, I think I'm going to Power phrase

by goofygoober009 October 25, 2012

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turn a phrase

As used in an educational video about the Declaration of Independence (2004), a seemingly dirty reference that refers to the actions of founding fathers who wrote the Declaration and obviously did something right.

The beauty is, it can mean anything you like.

Narrator: "I love a man who can turn a phrase".

by APUSH2010 May 30, 2010

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catch phrases

Stupid ass phrases that people think are cool, say far too often, and become stupid fucks that you want to knock out.

-Hey, did you see that show on tv?
-How can I not have?! Everybody keeps quoting the god damn thing.

See also I'm Rick James, Bitch, Thats Hot, or Bling Bling

by Rick James. April 5, 2005

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