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Facebook pollution

When your Facebook friends post excessive crap on your page that you don't necessarily want there.

I had to de-friend Laura because she was posting all kinds of Facebook pollution on my page.

by fat marie April 15, 2009

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Self Pollution

An archaic medical term for Masturbation that was used in the 1800s, 1700s, and probably earlier.

There are various names given to the unnatural and degrading vice of producing venereal excitement by the hand and Self Pollution is but one.

by holloway April 19, 2011

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noise pollution

According to AC/DC, not Rock N' Roll.

"Rock N' Roll Ain't noise pollution, Rock N' Roll Ain't gonna die rock n' roll ain't noise pollution rock n' roll will never die."

by Paulness May 27, 2005

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ear pollution

Very similar to noise pollution; ear pollution is generally regarded as music that is audible to a listener who's taste in musical genres differs greatly from the music currently playing.

For example, a metal song (such as by Anthrax or Metallica) playing within earshot of a listener of adult contemporary or country western music playing rather loudly when the listener is a metalhead would be considered by that listener as ear pollution.

Turn that gosh darn-diddly-arn ear pollution down willya?!? I'm trying to get some Kenny Rogers in over here!!!

by Telephony January 21, 2016

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cultural pollution

The mass of art, language, clothing, media and products whose existence is fucking meaningless and the fault of money grubbing assholes. Cultural pollution can be enjoyed in earnest by dumb, uncritical people, and ironically by the jaded and educated. This type of pollution is usually created by industrialized nations. Easy ways to spot cultural pollution:
- the thing up for consideration has a logo on it.
- it contains a meme such as "let's roll" or "real men don't ____"
- it's repeated or highlighted by the mass media
- it's trendy

In contrast, "cultural pollution" is not "bad art," unless that art was made solely for money.

"I really don't like writing corporate advertiser's print ads."
"Because I have to write a lot of self-important, cliche garble."
"Whoa. Sounds like you make cultural pollution for a living."

by Shannon in a cube July 5, 2007

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Chair Pollution

The unpleaseant aftermath resulting from a recent chair bomb explosion. Depending on the magnitude of the blast and the weight of the individual compressing the chair's foam/fabric, the half-life can last anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours after detonation.

When Rachel plopped down in Jason's chair to use his computer, she disturbed some previously encapsulated chair pollution, causing the office to again fill with his ass debris.

by Hugh Klump March 8, 2008

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brain pollution

a shitty band that everyone hates

brain pollution sucks

by pholll March 27, 2008