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praise break

After finishing that difficult homework problem, you sing "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow" while people look at you strangely.

Sally: Finally finished that chemistry problem, Praise Break!
All: Praise, God from Whom All Blessings Flow....

by BabyGirl777 January 21, 2013

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Praise the sprite

We must praise the sprite NOW

TOM: Hey we must praise the sprite it's 3AM

by I love namjoon so much April 2, 2020

Praise kink

A person with a praise kink finds it sexually arousing to be praised during intimacy

John: harrys mum has a praise kink hehehehe
Harry: fuck off thats not even funny

by KirkHammettsBiggestFan October 13, 2022

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Slut Praise

When a promiscuous person of any gender is praised for indulging in what they love and being true to themselves.

I slut praise my best friend when they tell me about their positive, consensual, intimate endeavors.

by AntiqueHat May 7, 2021

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Praise junkie

Someone who constantley seeks/craves praise and attention and highlights everything good they have achieved in order to get praised....

Kate:" Guys have you seen this design i have done"
Bec: "OMG kate have you done that all by yourself? Thats amazing. you are so fantastic"
Ben: " stop getting your fix from us, you praise junkie"

by lampobecwils July 22, 2011

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Praise Jacking

When you get a into a conversation about a video or movie that you've never seen and use some of the comments that you've heard somebody else make about it after seeing it. Usually done to feel less left out and more the center of attention.

Joe, "Did you catch the new Quentin Tarantino movie?"
Paul, "Yes, I found it a classic thrill ride. It was violent, unrestrained, and thoroughly entertaining."
Joe, "Dude you totally are praise jacking right now"

by actionjackson96 August 26, 2009

praise lizard

someone who "basks" in the praise of others (like a lizard)

Andrew: "sup, fuckers! check this new cut!"
Mark: "fuck off, Andrew. quit being such a praise lizard!"
Felix "Lix" Fassbender: "yeah!"

by praiselizard May 20, 2017