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Nick name for a "red head" -- shortened version of Orang-utans simply because thier hair is also red.

Julie was often referred to as a "ranga" because her hair was flaming red...

by Amylizzy1981 September 3, 2008

309๐Ÿ‘ 215๐Ÿ‘Ž


Some One With Red Or Orange Hair . The Female Ranga Is Known For Being Excellent In Bed . Firery Attitude . Realy good looks .Caring And Kind . Loves being With Friends. Gets Sunburnt Easily .

"Check Out That Ranga Isnt She Gorguz " " Yeah Id Deffinantly Tap That

by Jessica XoX September 13, 2008

260๐Ÿ‘ 206๐Ÿ‘Ž


A stupid feeble insult that is said to a person with red hair, it is hair to believe we insult people over the colour of their hair. I for one am not a "ginga" or "ranga" but I do feel that it is extremely stupid as they receive much bullying by others over this... please leave people with red-hair alone :(

Also having red hair does not mean you have red pubic hair

Hey look at that ranga...?
Yeah he looks pissed off!

by Matthew Skank January 5, 2010

73๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


Orange hair ranga mong

Fuck you are a big fat slob ranga

by Not a ranga December 5, 2018

18๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


a ranga is a very sexy guy, who can easily be trained by an experienced person to become submissive and kinky as hell. They have orange hair but surprisingly very few freckles. Their skin is pale and will burn if exposed to the sun more than a few minutes. They are adorable, funny, believe they have blue eyes but they are in fact, grey. They also pretend they are the best at Mario kart but will be easily defeated. They usually have no idea how handsome they are and are self conscious for no reason. They have the most amazing smile and their chest is the best spot to rest in the entire world.

God I'm so in love with Ranga! I can't believe all the crazy shit he does in the bedroom. I made him cry after we played some Mario kart though. It was cute as hell

by Speckonadeck August 25, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


People born with rad red hair but some how people under appreciate them as they can come off as vain and agro.

Rangas are highly verbally abused by silly chav boys (espec boys in cars) and other non-ranga people who wish that they had ranga hair. The verbal abuse can either be shouted at the ranga or spoken as they walk past you.

Some boys also think of rangas as 'dirty'

"eww look at that ranga!"

by Pip12321 November 20, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


A ranga is a person who has red hair, they are ugly cunts and the often have green eyes to match their hair. They are often associated with vampires due too their pale skin and they burn easily in the sun. They walk with determination and always seem to have a crush on a male who is shorter then them. They are constantly angry due to red being the colour of anger. You will never see a family of rangas.

Person 1: hahahahhaha lol that fucker is a ranga.
Person 2: omg hahahahhahaha
Person 1: fuck off ranga
Ranga: youse are cunts
Person 2: and your a ranga, go fuck yourself!!
Ranga: runs and cries like a fuckwit

by Ranga hater I December 3, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž