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Rap is a genre of music, a poetic, realistic rhyme put to a beat.

It used to be a respectful, decent form of music, however, it has turned bad, into utter crap listened to by posers.

50 Cent/G-Unit
Mike Jones
Lil Jon
Ying Yang Twins (tweedle-dee, tweedle-dum)
All other "Crunk" artists.

Dr. Dre
Snoop Dogg

Rap has since turned into mindless idiots rapping about jewelry, money, prostitutes, wheels, & luxury SUVs.

Yes, old rap is the true definition of rap, not the crap you see on MTV everyday. Rap has promoted: bad treatment of women, selling drugs, wasting money on a Cadillac Escalade, and dropping out of school.

However, I have very little respect and DISLIKE Snoop Dogg very much, because he is a HORRIBLE example for teens everywhere, and (in my opinion) belongs in jail. His music is extremely negative and promotes gangs, crime, drugs, and everything else I mentioned above.

I have the most respect for Dr. Dre, because he's a smart, decent man, with creative ideas. He went somewhere with his life, and does a good job of depicting life for most poor minorities in the ghettos. His work is wonderful, and he deserves many awards.

Too bad this can't be said about most new rappers, although there are some good new rappers, such as: Lupe Fiasco and Eminem.

Rap sucks now..

Rap is good..
not anymore though.

by gplpark92 September 19, 2006

162๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


A)A form of music where any two words can rhyme, or if you can't think of one you can just make something up like "Missy" does.
B)Great form of music that will last, because even if the song sucks you will still listen because of the beat.
C)A genre of music in which the performer (or in every case performerS") promote themselves and try to say they're doing it for their block.
D)A field of music that allows more and more people to have success, disregerding how much you suck or if you have even reached puberty, or even if your name is Ja Rule!
E)Recycled beats and rhymes.
F)It used to be ill when Sugarhill Gang and Grand Master Flash ran the game.

A)(rapper):"I got signed so I can rhyme on the block, I call the shots cuz I'm hot. I eat oranges and sleep in in the morning instead of yawning. I haven't went...its your flipinitswentyet. Skeet Skeet Skeet Skeet Skeet Skeet Skeet Skeet Skeet!"
B)(Person 1):Yo, what the fuck did he say?
(Person 2):Fuck it, just turn up the bass.
C)I'm the shit you are shit, you are poor I am rich,you can never get on my level scrub. This is for the streets to keep their heads up for hope.
D)Yo, introducing "1st Degree Pee Wee", he only a toddler but he make more sense than half the rappers out there.
E)Holiday Inn wasn't taken from "Rapper's Delight". Oh, wait it was.
F)I wish someone was original. R.I.P. Jam Master Jay.

by Pontiac February 7, 2006

79๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


the worst posible music to listen to

rap is so horrible i would rather clean up cow shit

by azazasas October 12, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


See "Fail" or "Failure"

Again, see "Fail" or "Failure" for a definition of rap

by Voibs October 4, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


(have to fill up the stupid 20 character minimum)

rap is the worst music ever.

by polarisystemanagement September 3, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


R-retards A-attempting P-poetry

50 Cent and Ying and Yang Twins are fags!

by The Real Napster June 7, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word used by stupid people who dont know the definition of R.A.P.The true definition of R.A.P. is this

I was whatching 50 cent last night in the Retards Attempting Poetry awards last night.that is rap

by cykarr July 14, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž