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Scrotal recall

Being reminded why your testicles hurt the day after a drunken session.

β€œMy nads were killing me when I woke up and I didn’t know why. Then Barry came round and gave me scrotal recall. He said I grabbed hold of Linda’s norms and she booted me right in the queensburys!”

by Nuphagus November 15, 2019

phallic recall

A certain memory of how good that dick felt causes an outward emotional response.

Had a certain phallic recall of me sliding my pussy down on your cock, it was so perfect, I started to cry.

by Grambam July 10, 2018

total recall

Not to get confused with the expression tits, total recall is an exprssion refering to triple tits,which is when somethin is so great its better that tits, as in the woman from the movie

Ronald: Oh my god man did you see that midget do a backflip through the fire hoop into a pool of baby kittens

Frank: yea, that was total recall

by Ron Burgandy and Gold July 17, 2010

6πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Choadal Recall

The constant reminder that Donald Trump is as much dick as asshole

The RNC was one giant Choadal Recall event

by ChuckDelta August 1, 2016

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total recall

complete domination

He performed a total recall

by john smith October 9, 2003

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Full Recall

So you got not a single Loss but you got some Fars and the rest is Pure. Good Job. It always makes people happy when they get it on a hard level. Even If you get a Pure Memory.

Roxanne: Full Recall on Purgatorium Future is the best I can do.
Rachel: I get Track Lost on everything in future, present, and past...
Roxanne: Do you need some help?
Rachel: Yes, please.

And that kids were how Rachel became the best Arcaea player. And saved the Arcaea game for everybody.

by u/welikeReddit1 February 13, 2021

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chili recall

(n.) refers to a chili dog, or chili dawg...after you have given someone a chili dog, you put the poop back into the person's ass with a spoon.

The chili recall helped with the cleanup after we were done messing around.

by masterm1nd March 29, 2007

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