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Red Sea Caviar

It defines an act of oral-vaginal sexual contact between an actively menstruating woman and her partner whereby the partner slowly sucks and swallows the menses until he/she identifies the ovum, catches it between his/her teeth and savors it before consumption.

Playa, I paid 2000 dollars to sit in on a Red Sea high tide. Spent 3 hours fine tooth combing that oyster before hitting that Red Sea Caviar. Go gargle your poor-ass-50-dollars-a-gram Beluga shit.

by Dad's still gon' for smokes June 9, 2021

Drinking red sea

This being the act of performing cunnilingus during a woman's menstruation. So called chewy bits are often in abundance and towards the end of a womans period stringy bits of uterus are often expelled from the vagina. Many men are revolted by drinking red sea yet it is a highly pleasurable practise and particularly nutritious to the licker.

Sandra's periods were so heavy and always lasted a week so I had no other options except drinking red sea.

by clinton sounds April 14, 2005

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Red Sea Queef

When a girl farts while she's on her period, and the ferocity of her fart makes her vagina vibrate in such a way that her period blood sprinkles the surrounding area.

Kasey: I have such a heavy flow right now and the WORST thing happened last night.

Melissa: oh nooooo, GIRLFRIEND, what happened?

Kasey: I accidentally Red Sea Queefed all over Chris's dick.

by The Red Sea Baron November 19, 2013

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Part The Red Sea

The act of slapping a girl's ass until it turns cherry red, then forcefully parting it with your two hands before insertion.

" Johny wanted to part the Red Sea with his girlfriend because her ass looked so fine!"

by splooger69 December 7, 2013

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Parting the Red sea

When during sex a Man inserts his Penis into the Woman's Vagina while she is Having her period.Thus creating the same effect Moses did...sorta.

Jim caught Bob Parting the Red sea with Nancy and asked if he could join.He also volunteered to bring towels and tissues to clean up the mess afterward.

by Chanse Goss March 26, 2010

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diving into the red sea

when someone (usually a male) has sex with a (usually a female) while she's on her period.

johnny: hey sexy, you ready for me?
suzy:no way..*whispers* it's that time of the month)
johnny: don't worry, i'll 'dive right into that red sea.'

by D November 17, 2003

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Diving Into The Red Sea

Diving Into The Red Sea would be giving a women "oral" pleasures while she is "riding the cotton pony".

She's riding the cotton pony tonight so I'll be diving into the red sea.

by Jizon November 15, 2003

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