Source Code

Tijuana Refund

When you hire a prostitute, kill her and get your money back.

STEVE: "Yo Dave, did you fuck a ho?"
DAVE: "Yeah man, I pulled a Tijuana refund on her."

by iAmAwesome December 7, 2014

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8 cent refund

When you get ripped off at a store and then you go back and damage or rob the property.

Tim: " Bro, Taco Bell forgot to put my nachos in the bag!"
Johnny: "F#@& that, you need to go get an 8 cent refund. Here take my gun."

by Junotwenty2 October 2, 2020

White Trash Refund

Application of various disreputable and/or fraudulent strategies calculated to obtain a refund to which one would not otherwise be entitled. Closely related to white trash exchange, white trash rebate, white trash warranty claim, white trash regifting, etc.

Percy, expressing extreme discomfort, quickly negotiated a white trash refund of the cost (with tax) of his pricey hemorrhoid preparation, because he "didn't get home from the store with it" and "had had to resort to other means."

by texlex61 January 28, 2009

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exchange and refund

the act of when your having sex, and the man shits in the girls ass, hence the exchange. then the girl takes that same shit and shits it back into his ass, hence the refund

i exchange and refund with my girl, she still owes me some change!

by dayshanequa December 7, 2009

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five finger refund

A Five-Finger-Refund is when a thief steals an item, then either themselves or a friend returns later with said item, claiming to have purchased it, and asks for a refund!

โ€œSh*t, weโ€™ve ran out of beers. Time to head to ASDA with those hair products the missus stole earlier for a five finger refund!โ€

by Terrysuki September 14, 2023

Non-refundable Bus Ticket

The act of a man and woman having sex tied to a chair placed at the top of a staircase, and after climax, tipping themselves down the stairs. Often referred to as "buying" a non-refundable bus ticket.

John: "Hey man, how did you get that scar on your leg?"
Paul: "My girlfriend and I decided to try buying a non-refundable bus ticket."
John: "Ouch, dude."

by CRACKHEAD42 February 20, 2011

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Smelly BBW Sanchez Refund

It's when a fat girl shits in your soup at a resturant or any food place.

Bob: May i have 4 taco's with a tomato basil soup.
Katrice: total is $6.99 sir
10 minutes later...
Bob: My fucking food is cold, I want a refund.
Katrice: No problem sir (evil grin)

She goes to the back drops a deuce is his soup
and saids to herself, Smelly BBW Sanchez Refund coming up fucker.
She goes back to the front.
Bob: Thank You
Katrice: You have a good one lol.

by Customer Service 588 July 10, 2010

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