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Detroit Reload

A second gun intended for use when the first runs out of ammo; the fastest reload possible.

Dave brought along a Detroit reload since he was headed to a bad part of town.

by people just like you October 25, 2010

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Tactical Reload

When you're hittin it from behind and you run out of juice so your bro runs in and yells "tactical reload" and so your homie docks with you and gives you the reload.

Bro 1: Man i'm spent.... bro hit me with that Tactical reload!

Bro 2: Tactical reload!!!!

by Omega_asian August 26, 2017

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Iraqi reload

A non-standard reloading technique popularized by Iraqi troopers on AK style rifles. The bolt is held open with the right hand, pressing the stock into the shoulder, while the left hand uses a fresh magazine to sweep the magazine catch, ejecting the empty magazine, then loading the full one, in one smooth motion. The left hand returns to the grip, and the bolt is released, chambering a round.

While generally thought to be a more efficient method of reloading, or simply following the rule of cool, this was actually done as the magazines the Iraqis used were often mismatched and from widely different manufacturing dates and places, so holding the bolt open when inserting the mag helped ensure the round would chamber and the mag would seat correctly.

While it served no practical purpose, Jim thought the Iraqi reload looked badass, so he did it anyway.

by ReadMann September 18, 2022

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Cereal Reload

When you're done eating your cereal, yet have a substantial amount of leftover milk, prompting for additional cereal to be added. This process can be repeated as many times as necessary until a cereal-milk equilibrium has been reached.

"Damn, I'm done eating my Frosted Flakes, but there's still some milk left."
"That's okay man, just do a cereal reload and you'll be fine."

by The Luke Man May 24, 2009

Tactical Reload

Can be applied to any food or drink, however, is more commonly used with beer and/or cigarrettes.

Beer (or any Drink):When a person has one sip of a beer left in the bottle or can, and they open their next beer in an effort to flawlessly move from one almost empty beer to their next full beer. Can be repeated many times.

Cigarettes (or any smokeable object): When an individual takes the last drag of their cigarette, puts a new cigarette in their mouth, and lights the new cigarette with the old cigarette.

(Comes from the military term which refers to ejecting the magazine from your rifle/pistol/etc. while you still have one round in the chamber, and inserting a new full magazine, therefore enabling the shooter to continue shooting without having to re-charge their weapon.)

Quincy: Hey there Mike, why did you just open another beer?

Mike: Well I only have a few sips left in this one.

Quincy: So you're just going to move from one beer to the next?

Mike: I'm using a Tactical Reload!

Quincy: You just blew my mind.

by Miketerrell July 14, 2010

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american reload

American reload is where you take out your dick and someone else puts there dick in the person in under 3 seconds

Hey do you want to do an American reload?

by Cringys November 11, 2021

Tennessee reloader

After you have inserted your dip into your partner’s ass while performing a Tennessee muzzle loader, upon completion you remove the dip and re-insert it into your mouth

That Tennessee reloader sure has a kick

by Millertime_1985! October 18, 2017