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robbie robertson

Lead guitarist and principal songwriter fot the legendary group The Band. Wrote definitive classics like "the Weight" "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" and others. Also acted, made films and wrote books. A true musical genius and renaissance man. The best of the best.

Nobody plays guitar or writes songs like Robbie Robertson did.

by colonel hogan July 11, 2006

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Ray Robertson

Only the greatest man to ever live

Holy christ wagons that mans the ray robertson

by buttbuttbuttjurrasicpark November 8, 2008

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Taylor Robertson

A sexy mother fucker who cant smell but doesnt care cause he gets many bitchs on his D all dayy erry day. He is a pro football playa and can throw like a mix of jesus and Fergie. This nigga right here can spit raps faster then anyman and is loved by everyone. how i wish i was him.

" That guy is no Taylor Robertson "

' Taylor Robertson = sex'

by Godly man16 August 18, 2011

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Si Robertson

Si Robertson is tied for the 2nd most powerful being in existence with Shaggy, and #1 being Gucci Berry. Si Robertson can create anything from anything. He can make a Barrett .50 cal out of 3 sticks,a couple of rubber band, a piece of gum, and some shrapnel. He also gets most of his power from his beard and his special ancient tea that he makes himself.

That man is a true Si Robertson.

by Somoki January 26, 2019

Jack robertson

Jack Robertson he is pure solid and the coolest person in millburn

Person 1: do you know Jack robertson?

Person 2: yes he is so cool he smokes weed and drinks vodka but I'm scared of him.

by Strong jack robertson December 16, 2019

David Robertson

An amazing pitcher for the Yankees. Number 30. The next Mariano Rivera he's amazingly cute, funny, talented, flawless and gorgeous. You really can't beat him. Known for his highsocks (which he's been rocking since June 29th 2008). Has a charity called Highsocks for Hope.

David Robertson is amazing!! His highsocks give me hope!

by Highsocks4life30 October 10, 2011

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Robertson's Creeper

A Robertson's Creeper is when a man shits in a log shape above a woman's chest, by her neck while she is sleeping. She then wakes up and the man feeds the woman his shit in a hot dog bun. She then burps the smell of his shit back into his face.

Dude, last night was fucking crazy. I gave Laura a Robertson's Creeper but the smell of my shit almost made me puke on that fine ass.

by J-Money Chenevey November 16, 2007

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