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A fermented cabbage, healthy

Its taste is often described as awful.
And people agree that you shouldnt eat it.

Dude why did you eat sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage.

by I_am_the_wisest November 22, 2021


Giving or getting a blow job in a port-a-pot. Usually at a festival when the tanks are being well used, the humidity is high, and the food and beer is bad.

Dude, I went to the Renaissance Festival yesterday, and you can’t believe the sauerkrauting.
It was better than the sauerkraut at Gay Pride.
I sauerkrauted him at the state fair.

by The 1 God August 20, 2019

mixmux and sauerkraut

A term for what is being served for dinner; used as a substitute for stating the real menu.

Child: What are we having for dinner?
Mom: Mixmux and sauerkraut

by Joan J June 10, 2008

Sauerkraut Kid

A kid who is sour and annoying about everything and generally has no friends.

George is such a sauerkraut kid; he never wants to do anything and justs insults random people.

by iaintsobad August 12, 2012

Sauerkraut Pounder

when a man of german decent will take his haus frau to their marital bed and pull out a jar of sauerkraut juice and his sausage. the juice is then used in a variety of sexual acts including oral anal vaginal sex. the juice is used as a lubricant and increases the fertility of the haus frau. it can be used on occasion when conventional lube cannot be found. substitutes include pickle juice and literally any other fermenting liquid

My girl and I are getting bored, we’re thinking of trying the sauerkraut pounder tonight.

by lards mccoy February 14, 2020

chop some sauerkraut

to make money hand over fist

if some of the people you do know do chop some sauerkraut, don't be surprised the methods they are using to do so may not be legal

by Sexydimma December 18, 2017

chop some sauerkraut

(to): to make money hand over fist

if people you know do chop some sauerkraut, don't be surprised if some of the methods they used were illdegal

by Sexydimma December 17, 2017