Source Code


An engagement ring!

"I am going to give Holly her shiny...she will be so happy!"

"I can't wait to get the shiny!"

"When will he ever propose and give me the shiny?"

"Do you like Tiffany shinys or other shinys?"

"Thank you for the shiny, Tom!"

by PrincessHolly February 16, 2012

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


verb, to be distracted as if by something shiny

Sam shinied as the cute redhead walked past.
Sam shinied as he walked past the TV lounge.
Sam shinied as a passing car played the Deep Space 9 theme

by Sam McLean March 7, 2007

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Shinies are a fandom sub-culture very similar in nature to furries, but instead of the focus being on anthropomorphic creatures or animals, the interest lies with anthropomorphic robots.

Would you call yourself a furry? No, I'm really more of a shiny.

by zagen April 24, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Shinies

A disscussion group with a large memberbase. It was started by Masterwolfe13, Sosoona777, and Xgamer4. The group was started on the PRSSB from GameFAQS. There are leaders, which include the three already said, eagles610, Ramar, razoreye, and Your Base.

I wanna join the Shinies!

by Eagles April 20, 2005

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Synonym for Great or Ace.

"Do you wanna go to the cinema tonight?"
"Oh yeah. Shiny!"

by Paul King August 19, 2007

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A word used in games to describe a loot or drops from a monster, hidden items that can be found in corners/plants. Another term for treasure, loot or rewards.

*Player kills monster*
*Monster dies and drops loot*
Player: "Oooh, shiny!"

by Iz Elyse February 17, 2011

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A pokemon that is a different colour than the original design. There is a 1/4096 base chance of encountering a shiny pokemon in the wild, which makes them very sought after among the pokemon community.

Person 1: "Wow! A shiny Magikarp!"
Person 2: "Its gold instead of orange, that's so cool!"
Shiny Magikarp: "Karp Karp."

by fruitykween March 28, 2022