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Put it on simmer

Something told to/about someone who is over reacting, especially when they're being overly hormonal.

Nick: She's been all over him all night and he's not even single!
Emily: Wow she really needs to put it on simmer

by The bean chillers April 9, 2015

sam simmers

1. wins at tourettes
2. totally legit
3. destroys enlay prehodo at animal fights
4. disco pogo
5. innovative dance moves
6. grey shirt
7. sassy

look at you in that grey shirt, you sam simmers you!

by bestever! May 14, 2011

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simmer down

it's when a girl actually uses her lips or vagina lips over your penis or anus. (thus vibrating her vagina lips or lips of her mouth) when her mouth has encased your engorged penis, balls, anus, or testicles!

That girl gives good simmer downโ€™s!!!

by john daniel johnson July 11, 2008

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cant simmer the zimmer

A joke phrase inspired after George Zimmerman won the 2013 trial against his murder of Trayvon Martin.
This phrase was possibly coined by a facebook page called "Brock Obama" though the original has not been found.
Inspired by "Cant corner the Dorner".

1: Hey man I cant believe he actually got away with that
2: You cant Simmer the Zimmer, man

by alienman August 6, 2013

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simmer your boil

A phrase used when someone needs to chill the fuck out.

Similar to simmer down or slow you roll

Simmer your boil, it's not that big of a deal

by Sean Motherfucking B May 27, 2010

simmer them nipples

meaning calm down when talking to a female or a guy that acts gay.

guy: "damn girl, simmer them nipples."

by express2012 March 9, 2010

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Simmer Down Rambo

to calm someone down in an overheated situation

Riley: Shut up Allison!!!

Allison: Simmer down Rambo!!

by Kangaroo Boy March 27, 2010