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Short for misnagid, an opponent to Hasidism. Someone who is a religious Jew but still doesn't appreciate the Hasidic perspective.

I can't believe that he doesn't like Matisyahu! He is such a snag!

by BarKatz March 13, 2007

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


an expression from the sixties and seventies used to describe what is known as today, "epic fail".
Usually if someone does incredibly stupid it can be used as an interjection and when you say, "snag" you must make an O.K. sign with your fingers and hold it out, away from your body, rather than up.
The "a" is pronounced long.

Peter: Haha, what happened to your shirt?
Bill: i was in the park today and i was eating an ice pop, when it fell off the stick and onto my shirt.
Peter: Snag, man!

by il capodanno October 23, 2008

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anything you want it to be

him : any snags?
her : no snags here
him : snag sake

by snaggy snag August 9, 2018

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To kiss or make out with someone. Sometimes meaning to have sex with.

I saw Warren snagging some ugly chick!

by Tim December 14, 2004

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used for a person who makes extremely dumb decisions like a dumb bitch

that girl right there she’s a snag

by bubbles03 June 15, 2019

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When someones partner is performing fellatio and they sneeze, causing the persons head to jerk downward on the mans penis, thus resulting in the person gagging.

My pub's tickled my girls nose causing her to snag on my meat pole.

by Trevino May 9, 2007

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Student Naval Aviator Groupie. Basically any young female who is after a young navy student pilot. It's the "Top Gun syndrome", looking for a meal ticket out of small town America. Hangs out at the favorite pilot bars. Always knows where the pilot parties are and always shows up, even if not invited. Usually not invited 'cause the student pilots already expect her so it's assumed she will be there anyway. Often dates several student pilots at the same time, or is passed around a lot. A regular cum dumpster. Her enemy is the wives and long-term, stable GF's of the "non-single" student pilots.

Hey Maverick. What Goose? Check out the SNAGS!

by odie 13 January 28, 2008

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