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South Side Strategy

A updated variation of Richard Nixon's "Southern Strategy" used in the south side of Des Moines, IA using racist and nativist dog whistles to win the support of white working class Baby Boomers living in the neighborhood.

When Eddie Mauro tells everyone he is "the Italian candidate" and his main campaign message is how long he has lived there, he is going heavy with the South Side strategy.

by Maroon 2022 April 11, 2022

South Side Flats

South Side Flats is a blood stained, weed smelling, broken down excuse for an apartment complex in Dallas. Do you want to get shot while sitting on your couch? Move here. Do you want your car broken into constantly even when it’s parked behind what is supposed to be a locked gate? Move here. Do you like smelling weed in a smoke free community the second you open your door? Move here. Are you and eight of your closest friends from prison looking to rent out a studio apartment for all of you to live in? Definitely move here. Just make sure you aren’t handicapped, the elevator hasn’t worked for almost a year.

Yo I just got out of jail and need an apartment. Is south side flats still there?

by _Girth_Brooks_ May 24, 2019

South Side Demons

Possibly the absolute worst gang in history. First of all, it was founded in a middle-class, suburban town with only about 30,000 residents, and about 10,000 of them are seniors living in the gigantic senior center. This notorious gang goes around tagging, yes that's right, TAGGING, random stupid useless landmarks in town- electrical boxes and abandoned buildings mostly- OH HORROR.

These members mostly write "SSD" on these buildings although they actually spelled out their gangs name once, and we are all very proud that they spelled it correctly. All in all, just a bunch of losers who spray-paint in the middle of the night, but watch out- because they are "Out to kill".


1. Buddy 1: "Hey man, wanna hear a joke?"

Buddy 2: "Sure"

Buddy 1: "The South Side Demons"

Buddy 2: (laughs out loud)

2. Guy: "Man my 5-year old cousin came over, and boy

was he annoying. He took crayons and wrote all

over my wall. He did more damage than the

South Side Demons."

3. Loser: "I'm working at Motel Caswell. It's a step-up from

my last job- Editing the taggings of the South

Side Demons."

by South Side Angel motha!ucker July 31, 2009

44πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

Deep South Side

The area of Milwaukee, Wisconsin located south of Oklahoma Avenue on the city's south side. It is called the "Deep South" because it is predominantly white and has a reputation for being racist and intolerant towards the LGBT community. Many residents (in other parts of city) consider it a suburb that happens to be within in the city limits and describe it as being 20 years behind the rest of Milwaukee. In spite of being a relatively small area, it is often (incorrectly) thought of as being "typical" of the entire city, and thus, is most likely the reason Milwaukee gets stereotyped as a stodgy, backwards town.

"You been to the Deep South Side?"

"Yea, no wonder people think such f***ed up things about Milwaukee. That place is just like being upstate, only with a lot more people... it should be bulldozed into the lake."

by illwauk October 7, 2007

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

South Side Middle School

a middle school in rvc ny where the girls are bitches and the science teachers sucks

South Side Middle School is such a slutty school!

by qwertyuiopolkjhgfdsazxcvbnm October 21, 2019

south side compton crips

The most notorious, violent, crip gang in Compton California. One of the largest and most known. They are on the southside of East Compton, from E. Greenleaf Blvd, to Long bEach Road, Alondra and Sana Fey. They hang out at South Park and are known for the deadly shooting of rapper 2pac.

South Side Compton Crips run compton!!

by Ca$he$ August 2, 2006

160πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

South Side High School

A school in Rockville Centre. Kids from RVC and South Hempstead attend(really stupid because RVC's taxes are triple the price). Most girls are bitches and guys are druggies. Every guy wears lacrosse shorts or khakis and packs dip in the gazebos. The girls are sluts/bitches who obsess over "Red and Blue" ( a war of girls that compete in different activities ). The trailers in the back where most art classes ect. are held are very ghetto. The girls soccer team is great. The school also has an excellent IB program which raises the taxes on the town.

guy: "hey im a lax bro from South Side High School, wanna go smoke a blunt?"

girl: "hey im a bitch from South Side High School, RTV!!!!"

by CHarlans September 2, 2010

71πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž