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A shopping spree wherein one member of a romantic partnership whose finances are intertwined spends extravagantly and beyond the couple's means in order to exact vengeance on the other member. Such sprees are generally motivated by jealousy, rage, spite, etc., and come about in relation to specific instances where one member of a couple feels him or herself to have been excluded from the other's experience of pleasure.

Note that in some circumstances, one partner might attempt (with rare success) to preempt a revenge-spend by presenting the other with a lavish gift.

The relationship between Ari Gold and his wife, as depicted in the popular series Entourage, provides countless examples of the revenge-spend, as well as of failed attempts at preemptive gifting. For just one instance, consider the episode where Ari, after having neglected to invite his wife to the Cannes film festival, must later talk her down from a "punitive spending spree."

by cyrus mcphee October 31, 2010

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the recirculation of money which creates additional opportunities

New jobs were created by the re-spending of dollars generated by new construction.

by urbanz February 14, 2011

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Widow Spending

Spending life insurance money after the death a spouse because you don't know what else to do and it makes you feel good, plus it helps fill the void.

Did you see Tonya has been widow spending in that new car? She had at least 8 bags of shopping!
Rebecca widow spent me a new Nintendo Switch because she wanted to play online games with me!

by plushcentauri November 13, 2021

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Spend Over

A person who does all the talking to other people. No one ever starts any conversations with the person because they know he/she will talk to them first. Many times these people talk too much and end up saying something that another person does not like. Spend Overs think they can get any girl/guy they want but end up getting rejected.

At the club this ugly girl was talking to me the whole night so i just called her Spend Over Jasmin

by G-Mayne#1 January 21, 2011

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a seemingly innocent way to refer to a sleepover between potential love interests or sexual partners

Oh nothing," says Arnold with a smile and a wink, "I just took her out to dinner and we had a spend-the-night afterwards.

by anthubc2010-spend-the-night October 6, 2010

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spending money

verb: Masturbate(ing), stimulate the penis

I was in my room yesterday spending money!

by kenaurter December 26, 2007

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spending the morning gold

The first piss of the day.

I always begin my day by going to the toilet and spending the morning gold.

by time-it August 21, 2010