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A term used commonly on the streets for a "gay latino."

Look at the spicy fool try to pick up on Jesus.

by Juan G. Martinez May 3, 2008

17๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


A name you call someone or something who infatuates you, If you're spicy, everyone will love you. Tell someone they're spicy if you just can't get enough of them, or if they are the best!

Person1: Damnn girll your nina ricci perfume is soo spicy!

Person2: Thanks man, I think your new hair cut is way spicier than my new nina ricci perfume.

Person3: What ya'll talkin about, You both are way spicier than anything I have ever even seen!

by LexieCexciii April 10, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


At the end of the roach when your lip gets burnt

That mug was spicy as shit!

by Jerkenoff April 5, 2021


There is no one definition to the word spicy, if something is truly spicy, you will just know in the moment and then you can call said THING or said PERSON spicy:)

Sam Spicerton is so damn spicy when he plays piano man on the harmonica and the piano at the same time

by SPICYYYYYYYYYY February 21, 2017


A word often misused and abused. It should really be banned from the human language.

wOw ThAt DoG lOoKs ReAlLy Spicy

by WrDdMaStEr June 21, 2021

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Another word for cheeky usually said after some quality bants.

Malcolm you're such a slut

Everyone else: ooh shit that's spicy

by Whata scrub November 22, 2015

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When a fight becomes very intense.

"He just punched him! It's getting spicy!"

by GordonRamsaysLambSauce May 25, 2017

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