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No spread

It means you won’t say anything or spread anything (stays between us)

Keep this between me and you no spread

by Huh uh December 13, 2018

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When you need to read quickly/at speed. It can also be when your just a naturally fast reader.

Keegan Worth started spreading late at night.
Drew Sandison is naturally good at spreading.

by PewdiepiePredator January 4, 2020

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


When your just exhausted and done. You have reached your saturation point.

Usually occurs after heavy studying

Harb: I've been studying all day I'm spread

Prab: Fu*k studying I'm spread

Raj: My brain is fried from studying all day I'm spread time to go home

by Xsingxh18 April 3, 2019

The spread

Noun. the alotted points the favorite has to overcome to win money for thier backers who have money pending on the scoring outcome of the sporting event.

Dude 1-Did you see the latest spread for the superbowl?

Dude 2-Yeah i got 20 bucks on the favorite, they(the Lakers) need to win by the spread which varies between 1 points to 20 points."

Dude 1-Sweeeet

by Jars in the closet April 27, 2007

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A loose term used to refer to money, large area of land, and a farm. But mostly money.

yo, I got mad spreads, son.

by Alex Plus January 29, 2008

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no spread

no spread means that all bullets go straight to one point (also known as a hack)

John: omg u fucking hacker.. why u use no spread?
Hacker: so i dont have to aim down my sights!

by Robbin237 August 8, 2010

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Spread meaning "I'm leaving",or "get outta here."

"yeooo how about you spread the fuck out".or "ayo ima spread"

by McflyStacks December 2, 2007

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