Source Code

stow n go

Forget about (her/him) and move on

Bro forget about her , stow n go.

by Ryan2live October 12, 2017

Pennsylvania Stow-And-Go

When you put your dick in a females rear-quarters and put her, and yourself on your dirtbike and or motorcycle. And go for a relaxing ride down main street.

Me and my bitch just did a Pennsylvania Stow-And-Go.

by Pennsylvania pancakes March 10, 2014

Stowe Middle School

A middle school in a town with ridiculously high taxes, but somehow the school has computers that barely function.The "dances" suck major balls, as most people barely even dance, and there are only 2 a year. The rules are bullshit, and the majority of the teachers suck. There is nothing better to do so most people just smoke pot or play xbox. Not to mention there failing sports teams.

"dude, where do you go to school?"

"at stowe middle school..."

"HAHAHAAHAH! LOSER! More like stowe faggit school!"


by a complainer December 8, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stow yo bitch ass

To knock someone off there ass , to hit someone in there face or somewhere on the head.

Guy 1: *runs at guy 2 and hits him in the face*
Guy 3: "damn.. he just stow yo bitch ass..
Guy 2: *KO*

by Hyrohimaru June 1, 2010

Stow Munroe Falls High School

Shitty high school in Stow,Ohio where a lot of stupid shit happened within a day. Pretty much everyone goes to Dunkin on Wednesdays and people call the bathrooms there the "Juul Room". Instead of the school spending their money on stupid things they need to use it on fixing the damn ceiling and to fix the fuckin foundation of the school so it doesn't sink. And their principal is an egghead.

Stow Munroe Falls High School can kiss my ass.

by SavageBoi2020 April 4, 2019

Pocket Size Stow Away Gay

A pocket gay that you pull outta pocket when u need ur dick sucked or a hole to drop ur load in. Then send him back to his cubby under the stairs till heโ€™s needed again.

โ€œWhat happened to that cutie I saw you with last night? โ€œ. โ€œYou mean my pocket size stow away gay? He got mouthy with me so I sent back to his broom closetโ€.

by PiedPiperSoFla May 30, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


While having sexual intercourse and your feeling exhausted but your not ready to give up just yet, so you decide to get comfy and lay there while your member is still inside of her. You are a stow-a-way because you are hoping she doesn't mind and hoping she doesn't decide to kick you out.

The best response you can hope for is she actually loves it and keeps you inside for a lengthy duration of time either continuing to pleasure herself or perhaps she also gets comfy and you fall asleep still a stow-a-way for the night.

"Hey babe, you want to just play stow-a-way tonight?"

"I thought you would never ask"

"Hey babe, you want to just play stow-a-way tonight?"

"I thought you would never ask"

example 2:
"I was with my girl last night, and I tried to stow-a-way, but I abruptly got evicted."
"yeah, I won't be calling her back for a while."
"I need s stow-a-way girl."

by AXXLEROD January 1, 2021