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the strait guy

Someone who cannot spell.

Queer eye for....

by Gumba Gumba March 15, 2004

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strait fag

anyone who likes animae/samurais/ninjas and isnt embarrased about it. for example, who ever put up the definitions for Sun Ce and Sun Jian. There are too many of these people in this world. we need to shoot some of them

This strait fag at my school wouldn't shut up about Dynasty Warriors 4

by Pinmpin in Pink (formerly known as ghettochicsrhot) November 26, 2004

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Dire Straits

The band that made me decide to play the guitar, but not as good as wordLed Zeppelinword.

Money for nothing and your chicks for free!

by Anonymous September 8, 2003

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Damn Strait

1. A slang term used to agree with someone, or a party of people.

1. Molly:OMG Joe, isnt Mrs. Fields just so stupid!
Joe:Damn Strait. She is so ridiculous

by Phillip Moore February 6, 2009

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Dire Straits

"To Dire Strait someone"

Getting rid of dates gone boring or irritating 'friends' by playing air guitar on minute long solos from overrated songs like 'Romeo and Juliet' or 'Telegraph Road'.

"She was going on and on about her mother so in the end I had to Dire Strait her..."

"I simply used the Dire Straits Method and away he was..."

by Geoff Wode March 29, 2006

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george strait junkie

a person, male or female, that is strictly addicted to george strait's music unconditionally.

'sheila and i are going on a date.' 'oh take her to a george strait concert, that girl is a true george strait junkie!'

by georgestraitjunkiee February 17, 2010

Dire Straits

A homophobic band that uses the word 'faggot' to demean gay people.

Dire Straits are a homophobic bunch of rednecks.

by sensitive liberal December 31, 2005

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