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Talk at

/V/ to have a one way conversation; allow no collaboration

I really don't want to go out with her and listen to her talk at me all night

by oneandonlypeacock April 22, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Talk

a common thing for teens in America where parents talk to them about puberty,the reproductive system and sex. and sometimes birth control and STD. This is usually very awkward and they might already know this stuff, either from the internet or sex ed.

Uhh, my parents gave me the talk last night

by asdf1234456 April 30, 2021

20๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


How people communicate

I talk to my friend

by Bonehead5000 July 11, 2020

39๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


When two people have a relationship together of more than just being friends.

So are yall talkin or is he free

by kanisha February 4, 2005

867๐Ÿ‘ 199๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Talk

An awkward conversation between a teenager and their parents about sex and puberty. This is usually pointless because most people get taught about sex via the internet or social interaction with peers. They do teach sex ed at school in most places, but similarly to 'The Talk', it is usually obsolete as the students don't learn anything new.

The Talk may have become pointless because of the that parents and schools tend to wait until the teen in question Is 14-15 which is far too old as by that age they are well aware. If the society was less afraid of the social taboo surrounding sex then this would be the case., Also, the talk tends not to go into detail on the social side of sex, only the scientific standpoint.

Parents: Ahh, (son/daughter), It is time for The Talk.

Teen: They already taught me about this at school.
Parents: (a bunch of vague nonsense regarding sex with no real information.)
Teen: You didn't teach me anything there, you should have just saved yourselves the embarrassment.

by KindaKnowledgeable June 5, 2020

22๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Talking At

Launching into a long-winded monologue without thinking of the other person and what he or she has to say. Not asking them any questions. Eye contact fail.

Tiffany: Talk to me... How did your date go with Chad?

Sharika: He didn't look me in the eyes, or asks me any questions. He was talking at me about himself the whole time.

by cantgoback</3 January 6, 2013

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The stage between 'just friends' and 'dating'. Usually ends badly without closure, as there wasn't an actual relationship. Almost never materializes into a real relationship either. Also really stupid. Basically friends with benefits, but both parties have feelings for the other. Really confusing because that should just be dating. There shouldn't be an in between period of awkwardness and 'defining the relationship'.

"I see Kim and Tom together a lot! Are they dating?"

"No, they're talking."

"Oh. That's dumb."

by Ann77 May 9, 2015

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