Source Code

The Tarzan

When a woman is bent over naked and a man swings from a rope fully erect to pick her up with his inserted penis.

Me and my wife tried the tarzan last night, but the rope broke

by jusz28 August 2, 2014

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Slag for Five Hundred english pounds

Sort me out the Tarzan you owe me or you're a dead man.

by Stu Calder September 24, 2004

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Playing Tarzan

This is military slang for survival and bushcraft exercises in the field.

Next week, we get to go to SERE training to survive and start playing Tarzan in Alabama!

by I, Wreckerrr October 19, 2016

Tarzan's back

Taken from the old Tarzan movies in the 1960’s where all the male characters had their shirt backs wet with sweat. So if you have been working on a hot day and you have a wet back from sweat/workout you have Tarzan’s back.

Person 1: (Straight in to the fridge for a beverage) Fuck its hot outside, look at how wet the back of my shirt is.
Person 2: Ha, looks like you have Tarzan's Back!!
Person 1: Tarzan’s back?
Person 2: You know when the bad guys were looking for Tarzan & Cheetah they all had wet shirts from the heat.

by Anecdotal December 14, 2012

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fanny tarzan

An aggresive male who prefers the company of a more submissive male (typically a gardener, bike messenger or flight attendant) during the act of gay anal sex; A homosexual who aspires to penetrate male ass, but never allows for his own crack to be so much as sniffed; A man that is not that gay, but definitely still gay.

"Say your prayers son or the fanny tarzan in the closet will come out in the middle of the night and penetrate your asshole." - Dad to his son

by Mitch121212 September 15, 2008

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Suburban Tarzan

A white male who was rasied by a black family or thinks he is black

Wow billy is such a suburban tarzan!

by AndThe October 12, 2018

climb it, tarzan

usually said when giving someone the bird.
in short, "fuck off"

teacher: Johnny, you never do your homework and I'm sick of it.
kid: climb it, tarzan!

by generdddals December 6, 2008