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Drake Album

A piece of popular entertainment that is wildly praised by the mainstream despite being in of itself very shallow, anodyne, and unspecial; the absolute epitome of mediocrity.

Man I can't wait for the new One Piece Issue
One Piece? That show is a complete Drake album

by GodsBiggestMistake April 9, 2022

The Normal Album

An amazing album made by will wood himself released in 2020. You probably already know I/me/myself from tiktok if you aren't a fan of will wood already.

"Do you know the normal album?"
"Hell yeah! My favorite song is now 'Marsha thank you for the dialects but I need you to leave' will wood is awesome!"

by olive the olive sprout December 18, 2022

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visual album

When an artist/group makes a music video for every song on an album.

Fall Out Boyโ€™s Save Rock and Roll is a visual album!

by goldendays November 20, 2017

grey album

The most illegal, yet one of the most influential albums ever created in the music industry, created by DJ Danger Mouse.

The Grey Album was created by mixing The Beatles' "White Album" with Jay-Z's "Black Album.

The Grey Album is one of the illest albums of all time... you downloaded a copy yet?

by KRHimself June 21, 2005

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album simmer

The time between the first listen of a CD and when it gains your full acceptance.

Tim: That new block party album is just OK.
Matt: Dude, you just need to let that album simmer

by leisinmr December 28, 2006

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Touhou album

A joke that is going to be dead instantly as soon as it is released.

Touhou album when

by Mrnoobsofar September 10, 2017

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Comfort Album

Folklore by taylor swift

"omg folklore by taylor swift is my COMFORT ALBUM"

by zerologic101 May 18, 2021

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