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Tuskan Brakes

The act of reaching over to another riders bicycle and applying his or her brakes in order to slow them down and give you the advantage. Then, yelling the Tuskan raider battle cry as you speed ahead.

That bastard Bob gave me Tuskan brakes on the last uphill before the finish line.

by The Bagmister March 29, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

trail braking

Late braking technique used by expert motorcycle roadracers in which the brakes continue to be applied beyond the point at which the motorcycle has been leaned over and has entered the corner. Trail braking is used primarily to delay the onset of braking for a particular corner as long as possible, and thereby overtake another rider. The technique requires a great deal of finesse and skill in order to avoid the loss of front wheel traction, which usually results in a low side crash.

Any attempt at trail braking by a novice rider, although usually unintentional, almost invariably results in a low side crash.

by razer December 22, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jake Braking

While thrusting your penis between the breasts of a fat girl (see titty fucking). You then pass gas on their stomach, the resulting sound will be reminiscent of a machine gun.

I went hoggin' last night, she got mad when I started jake braking her. But I explained I had just eaten Taco Bell.

by fredderf December 18, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


In a process of stroking a male, the female covers the urethra with her thumb in a fashion of pressing the e-brake button, and restricts any flow of sperm to go through, causing an emergency brake.

"Yo why you walkin like that?"

"My bitch e-braked me again, caused my sacks to pop"

by Young Wizzlesss September 9, 2008

56๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

brake check

1. Act of slamming on the brakes in a car to make the person behind you slam on their breaks. (Checked their brakes)

2. Act of slamming on the brakes to make a passenger in your car fly forward.

1. I brake checked the idiot driving behind me.
2. My friend totally brake checked me and I hit the dash board and got knocked out.

by Cheen May 17, 2008

264๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

Man Brake

A sexual maneuver performed during homosexual intercourse to inform the other individual to stop; that they have had enough.

The human version of a 'Jake Brake'.

Gregg pulled on Merv's Man Brake during sexual intercourse as he was uncomfortable with the depth of penetration.

by B-woods00 January 12, 2012

bleeding the brakes

While during intercourse, a man will thrust in a fast motion pushing air into the vagina. Then when the man pulls out the woman queefs.

Bleeding the brakes past tense :Man last night I was railing Barb and I bled the brakes on that bitch.

by Rosco- December 5, 2017