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A Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) in various armed forces, of a rank immediately below sergeant, or, in Canada, a master corporal. Also the rank above a Private.

Lawrence: Hey I just got promoted from a Private!
Jason: Oh! Now you're a Corporal!

by schoolboyjason1 August 10, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Having a body, not a spirit.

All humans are corporeal.

by Larstait November 16, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Corporations in 3rd world countries pay on average 500-800% of the income people are making there. These companies build factories there because they can pay less for labor than they would in America, meaning they in turn can charge lower prices, and sell more. By the same token, the workers who work in them don't do so to help the company, but because it's 5-8 times the money they would make at the next best alternative.

Voluntarily entered agreement to mutual benefit...the alternative is to take the Susan Sarandon approach (that is, legislate the jobs there out of existence..."better they starve"). The entire reason a company would go halfway across the world is because it's cheaper...using government Force to Coerce people into paying American wages will not mean the people there will be making more money...the companies simply won't build plants there (how could they afford to pay more for wages and for shipping? and why would any person do that?)

Bottom line, companies do not exist to provide jobs and wages. Wal-Mart does not sell bread to me for $X because I want it for that price...they offer it because the $X is more valuable to them than the bread. By the same token, I don't exist to provide income to Wal-Mart. I don't shop at Wal-Mart because it needs my money...I buy the bread because I value the bread more than my $X. But at the end of the day, each of us can only OFFER the other our property...neither can coerce the other; we each have the power to refuse the deal and walk away.

The situation is no different in India. A company can show up and build a factory, open the doors, and OFFER to pay people X. If X is worth more than their labor (which it surely will be if it's 5-8 times more than they're making now), they may choose to accept the deal. Just as the company has no right to Force people to work for them (or to order them to work under certain conditions), the individuals have no right to Force the company to hire them or employ them under certain conditions.

(As a side note, whenever a company opens a new factory over there, people typically beat down the doors to get such "low paying" jobs...they offer bribes to the employers, offer to pay their first month's salary in return for securing a job for a family member, etc. What we consider low paying here is actually an opportunity few of them would ever see, as it is more than any other place there pays them.)

The fact that even the "poor" in America on average own clothes, radios, TVs, at least 1 CAR, phones, air conditioning, a dishwasher, and a multitude of other conveniences that the "better off" in other countries can only dream of owning is the result of (semi) Free, unCoerced interaction with one another...and corporations are an incredibly efficient way for entrepreneurs to team together and invest capital to create more products, wealth, and job opportunities than anything else in all of history.

www.capmag.com if you want to learn about Freedom and Individual Rights (which go hand in hand)

by tb11 April 22, 2004

53๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


These are legal entities created by the registration of appropriate incorporating documents with the supervising government office. These May be private (ownership sometimes held by specific individuals ,these are not traded on a public stock exchange) or public corporations (shares can be bought by everyday people). The Shareholders are protected from liability for faulty the actions of the corporation.

Corporations are what built up every single developped nation in the world. if you don't like them move to ethiopia.

by mAGIK bUS April 12, 2005

44๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dog eat dog world.

Climbing the corporate ladder

by Little Swindler December 12, 2022


Otherwise known as corpoes or corpies, these are individuals who sympathize with, or who are supportive and serve to, corporations.

Billy: Jeff can't put his cellphone down since he got his Prime membership. He's obsessed with all things Amazon and Apple, abandoning all reason when I show him that no business is perfect.

Adam: So he's basicat a fanboy then? Even if a product of theirs clearly sucks he continues to worst them?

Jeff: Bingo

Adam: *****n' corpy

Jeff: Yeah, the corporates practically own minds like that.

by Av3nger3 July 31, 2021


The phenomenon that a body external to one's self is not the same body from one moment to the next.

A phenomenon of the memory-space continuum.

Corporeality is a phenomenon and continuity-of-consciousness is a metaphenomenon of the memory-space continuum.

by tomorrowtomorrow January 9, 2019