Source Code


Slang for crack cocaine

Yo man, u gat sum issues?

by Rachel_121 March 1, 2008

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1. A term used mainly to describe a person's personality. Usually in that said person has what would be considered a very pessamistic outlook on innumerable parts of society, people, and their life in general. Can also mean that they have unnatural desires (see sexy loser, phsycho-tic, etc.) which would alienate them from peers. Or, in contrast, have an overly optimistic and genuinely naive point of view.
2. The fourth album by the band Korn.

Kid #1: "God fucking-dammnit, Jean-Rene'! Is there anything or anyone you don't like?! I swear, you've got some kinda' Care Bear(tm) issues!"
J.R.: "Um... er, I don't like 'the Man'. How's that?"
2. (opinion) ... I sure do like that band Korn.

by Supermanchild January 3, 2004

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parent issues

When you have shitty parents leading you to have mommy and daddy issues. Unfortunately for you, you had to stay with one regardless of how incapable they were of caring for you. You often wonder what will become of you but if you stop and think for a bit then you'll realize that their bitch asses could have made you biologically but not psychologically. Show em what they're missing!

Mom: I'm going to a party for Christmas, don't know where you're going...
Spawn: .....oh, well I didn't have any plans but I guess I'll just stay here and study...
Dad: (Non-existent)
(Poor kid has parent issues)

by Unjustlybroken November 22, 2017

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Issues or Cashews

First used on the Cum Town podcast in a fugue state by co-host Nick Mullen, cashews or issues is what wiggers say as a warning during a dispute of some kind. The meaning being they are willing to escalate a conflict, or peacefully resolve it. The phrase is derived from "break nuts together" which in itself is derived from "break bread together" in this case the nuts/ bread being broken are cashews.

" We can pop a squatty at the table and break nuts, or we can have an issue. It's issues or cashews. It's on you my wigga. That's on you."
"Please stop. Stop calling me that."

by DuBigga in Dubai April 21, 2021

stepdad issues

Whatever William Haynes has with the media

Daren: Is stepdad issues even a thing?

Will: Yeah. You know how a lot of people hate their stepdad, that's what I got with the media.

by RVW July 17, 2015

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skill issue

a snide remark used to suggest that the root cause of a problem lies with the incompetence / lack of skill of the person expressing said problem.

it is often used cheekily and ironically in response to situations where the problem genuinely lies outside of the person's control, for the purposes of trolling.

see also: BM; toxic

'it's impossible to fight against these players with their pay-to-win equipment that kills us in one hit. i think their stats need to be balanced.'
'sounds like skill issue'

by Randomystick February 7, 2022

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Briggs Issue

A magazine written by homeless artists. Started up by Briggsy this magazine has never sold a single copy because it is such pretentious bollocks.

Homeless artist: Briggs Issue, sir?

Normal person: Fuck off you arty scum.

by Gordy Frigmahole September 21, 2006

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