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Middy Lo Corta

A bum, typically a blonde chav who scrounges for change around Preston and makes no cash. Middy thinks he can cash but really he can’t, he cats off cherry drops and wears dead Burberry.

Look at that middy lo corta kid, what a nitty.

by chewwydrops1000 August 4, 2022


nickname from newspersons for Pippa Middleton.

P-Middy is the sister of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and has written books on party planning.

by Coop Dupe December 27, 2019


The smallest words or actions having the largest negative effect on someone. Spirit crushing stuff.

Yoo jason just stole Jonathan’s pencil. He got middied!
Did you hear that Kayla started crying after Matt asked her out? Damn he got middied.

by Super duper gamer October 6, 2021


a mid girl

Dude shes a middie not a baddie

by p8 January 20, 2023


the embodiment of gender. so very swag and cool and epic. genuinely one of the nicest people ever.

"middie's hair >>>"

by lampsociety November 3, 2021

Middy La Corta

A crackhead or heroin fiend

You seen that Middy La Corta he’s a heroin addict you know

by Middylacorta August 4, 2022


Middi is the guys version of shawty, usually for when one likes them or is trying to date them.

Damn who is that middi next to you he fine asf

by 094gjje April 23, 2021