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California Steam Roller

A California Steam Roller is when you hold in a crap for a long period of time than crap in out and smother yourself in it. Afterwards you must roll over a girl until she is also covered in poop.

If you want you can shove a Twinkie up her butt.

California Steam Rollers are fun but smelly.

"Did you remember the Twinkie Tonight?"
"Why are we gonna California Steam Roll?"

by TrevorSeanKai April 12, 2010

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Philadelphia Steam Roller

A fantastic mustache that connect's to the chins facial hair!

Norm-"Thats kid looks like he is thirty, not 17!"
Cliff-"It must be that Fantastic Philadelphia Steam Roller he has grown out!"

by pauli_himself October 4, 2006

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North carolina Steam Roller

During intercourse with a 300+ lbs woman, the guy licks the inside of her sweaty ass and then proceeds to penetrate the large fat huge rolls on her armpits with his tongue and then shits in his hand and slaps her in the face, and then makes da bitch lick it ALL off while saying 'i'm a fat slut'.

"i gave DAT bitch a North Carolina Steam Roller".

by Nelly&stephen December 26, 2009

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Southeast Michigan Steam roller

The act of shotgunning a blunt into ones ass and having them fart the smoke into your mouth

"Daryl's weed tasted like shit but after a few Southeast Michigan Steam Rollers I was baked"

by Deezg December 3, 2020

San Jose steam roller

The action of shitting on your partners chest and rubbing it down her chest with your balls. Your choice to cum down the steamroll.

Hey babe, do you want San Jose steam roller?

by ICEBREAKERTIM August 13, 2022

Up Town Steam Roller

When you have your girl on the bed naked you drop one on her chest and sit on it and rock back and forth just like a steam roller.

Last night i took a dump on Suzy's chest and gave her an up town steam roller.

by LOKI69 April 25, 2009

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South Central Steam Roller

When a big dumb nigga drops a steamin deuce on a white girl's chest, then he tricks that ho out wit a houdini south central style and slaps da bitch in da face wit his nigga dick.

Dog, durin the crip initiation Da'Quan blindsided that bitch wit the south central steam roller.

by Blind Sider March 5, 2005

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