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Fuck year

Just like "fuck yeah", but more macho, I guess.


by TBThunder July 15, 2008

477๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

Year 10

14-15 year old chavs who think they're cool just cus they're not lower school anymore
Year 10's usually pick on the younger year 7 and 8s
They have to work their asses off for gcses to prepare for Year 11

Year 10: dude year 11's gunna be so fucken 'ard
Year 10.2:'I know man Year 10 is shit already

by CJP0133 July 24, 2017

172๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

jewish year

A very long time, although usually not quite as long as an actual year.

OMG! I haven't seen you in a jewish year!

I was gonna go to the bathroom, but then Garth took a jewish year in there so I used someone else's.

by Johnny De November 11, 2007

78๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Year 2020

A.k.a disaster or king of disasters or ruler of disasters. The younger brother but troublesome brother of the bitch 2019.

The year of tragedy.

Coronavirus, death of many famous people (R.I.P), Tsunami over travel plans.

Year 2020, huh... The reason of my mental death.

by TheBoyInMintHoodie May 5, 2020

22.3 years

According to South Park, it takes 22.3 years (or 8145 days for a more precise measurement) for a tragedy to become funny. For example, if something bad happened on the 14th of March, 2018, it would become funny on the 1st of July, 2040, which is 22.3 years after the 14th of March, 2018.

Person 1: Hey, how long does it take for a tragedy to become funny?
Person 2: 22.3 years.
Person 1: Alright, looks like there's 9 months and 23 days to go.

by -CTRL- March 7, 2023

Thirty years

The specified time in the future when we will all have flying cars and personal robot servants

Darling, do you think they'll ever make flying cars?
I'm sure in about thirty years, we'll have them

Dude...you ever think cars will fly and stuff?
In thirty years man...i'm seein other stuff flying though. Whoaaaa

Man, you ever think we're gonna have like...robot servants?

Probably in like...30 years, it'll be wicked.

Yo dawg you think we gon make robot slaves?

Shit yeah dawg in like thirty years or some shit.

by Rayge April 25, 2010

Blunder Years

The years as a teenager where you thought being different and edgy means dressing like a moron.

"What the hell even is this picture?"
"Oh god, that were my blunder years."

by OddDict April 5, 2019

29๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž