Source Code


A way of slang, also meaning "Dick Vagina Dick", usually performed in a threesome, where a male goes up the females vagina, while the other male goes up the same females but hole.

bob: "dude she is such a bitch. we should give her a DVD so she will be sore for a week.

by popcorn jizz September 19, 2009

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A commonly used codeword when discussing an illegal drug.

Guy: "Dude watching those DVD's got me really stoned for some reason."
Guy2: "Yea..."

Guy: "Dude does your glute hurt from watching those DVD's?"
Guy2: "Like a bitch."


by gamesguru2 November 13, 2009

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Deadly/Dirty Venereal Disease

Dude, Look at that DVD over there.

by Ragin Cajun713 September 26, 2008

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DVD curse

Renting a movie and then seeing that same movie on television when you get home.

I rented a great movie but encountered the dvd curse when I got home.

by Kevin Jenkins June 14, 2007

swoop dvd

For televisions series of high regard wherein one does not have time to watch or desire to wait for a new year to answer cliff hangers or to see commericials one can watch the entire series in one continuios long play weekend or week on DVD

I've never seen the show "24"; I hear it's good. When series finishes I'm going to "swoop dvd" it.

by campbejo September 21, 2009

The DVD Game

A game played at Walmart, or any store with a large bin of DVDs.

Play requires at least two people. Play begins with every participant fishing out a random DVD from the bin, preferably below the surface so that a random DVD is pulled. Each selection is then compared and a winner is chosen. Don't worry, there's almost always a clear winner.

Can also be played with the CD bins, or any bin with a random assortment of media.

Person 1: "Okay, lets play the DVD Game. What did you get?"
Person 2: "Hmm...Barbie Horse Skydiving Fairy Princess Adventure. You?"
Person 1: "Stand and Deliver"
Person 2: "Yeah you win."

by The Shwastitute October 6, 2013

DVD Screensaver

A bouncing logo that has recently become a meme because people like to see it hit the corner. There have been streams just for the meme.


by UDfan1234567890 December 23, 2018