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Blythe Turnover

just like a regular turnover in hockey where you "accidentally" pass the puck to the other team. however, this term is commonly used to describe the plug on the team who got a turnover. this guy is usually the one who acts like a bitch.

yah dude, thats a blythe turnover.

by lunar sauce May 17, 2011

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A girl's extremely large feet and knarly toes curled up, and hanging over her opened toe heels.

That girl was really hot from across the bar, but then I came up closer and spotted that chicks feet, I was like hell naw! Bitch had apple turnovers, for real!

by Brittany T April 15, 2008

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dollar chocolate turnover

Slang term for a streetwalker in the Waterloo/Arlington area of Akron, Ohio. The nickname spread after a local fast food restaurant advertised a $1 chocolate turnover on their signage. One in particular, a reportedly transgendered person known as Darrina, patrols the area on her red hoveround mobility device.

Gunther had one of those dollar chocolate turnovers from in front of Arby's last night. He's lucky she didn't roll his ass and take his rental car.

by Captain Shocker February 9, 2011

Mysterious Apple Turnover

When a guy with the green apple splatters goes to a girl's house, fucks her and leaves bacon strips on her sheets. The next morning, after the guy is gone, the girl turns over the covers and discovers the shit stains.

Shelly woke up hungover to find out that David left a mysterious apple turnover in her bed last night.

by KetelOne415 March 5, 2009

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Tea Party turnover

When a Republican is replaced by a Democrat do to infighting between the Tea Party and mainstream Republicans

In 2012 in Indiana Republican Senator Richard Lugar was a popular incumbant who would have been easily re-elected, but he was defeated in the Republican primary by Tea Party candidate Richard Mourdock, so then in a Tea Party turnover the Senate seat went to Democrat Joe Donnelly.

by Republican$$uck November 19, 2013

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fruit basket turnover

When you put everything in one basket and turn it over causing disorder.

They are going to do a fruit basket turnover in our schools.

by fruit basket turnover May 23, 2017

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Double Nigger Turnover

when 2 black people penetrate a girl, one by the mouth and the other by ass/vagina, then spin her around.

the other day, i saw a porno where a girl got threesomed by 2 black men. i think its called double nigger turnover.

by Should've Worn A Condom November 22, 2009

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