Source Code

Unload the jet skis

To poop on the beach by the treeline.

I have to unload the jet skis on that picnic table by that vacationing family.

by godnus May 4, 2009

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Unload Some Groceries

To take the nastiest, filthiest, wettest dump in a paper bag and then slap someone in the face with said bag. Works best when bag has had time to soak and get soft and soggy.

Wes tried to unload some groceries on that dude, but the bag ripped mid-swing and spattered feces all over the bystanders and they started gagging and wretching, followed quickly by vomiting on each other en masse. What a night.

by UnloadSomeBrownLove April 17, 2010

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unload my bag

the act of blowing your load all over a girls face, titties or any other body part for that matter

dude, did you unload your bag all over that fat bitch from school yet?

I totally had to unload my bag on that broad last night

by thegoatman87 October 8, 2009

Unload at both ends

Shootin' off at both ends, climaxing and shooting a deer simuteaneously.

Awww, challbaby, won't you unload at both ends..." says the amphibious goddess

by Amphibious Goddess December 3, 2017

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After unloading an MP5 clip

An action taken after spotting a live dowdell in the wild.

I feel better after unloading an MP5 clip into that dowdell

by Jagger March 13, 2003

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unload a mule

Release of a very large amount of semen upon ejaculation

I am so horny it feels like I will unload a mule

by Darth Damo July 7, 2017


When you have a date with REALLY hot chick and you want to have more staying power.

Me: I've got a date with Rebeeca tonight

Friend: You better pre-unload. She's so hot I shoot my wad in 5 minutes just thinking about her!

by 1ezlife October 1, 2010