Source Code


The sound receiving a Skype message makes.

You can tell she's typing to her friend on Skype instead of working, I can hear the "uw-erp" through her computer.

by Noulgies September 16, 2013

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Uwe Boll

the worst director ever

Movies which were directed by Uwe Boll are just unbelievable shit!!!

by Poleno September 21, 2006

279๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž

Uwe Boll

1. German film director, akin to a modern Ed Wood, who primarily films very bad video game to movie adaptions such as House of the Dead.
2. Something or someone that is extremely bad, untalented, or stupid.

"Uwe Boll is surely the worst director since Ed Wood"
"Man, that shot was Uwe Boll"
"God I'm sucking at this game today, I'm playing like Uwe Boll"

by arkanis50 January 11, 2005

509๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wisconsin's polytechnic university, comprises nearly 9000 students from all over the world. Often looked at as the back-up school or reject campus in the UW-System, nothing could be further from the truth. With one of the best aesthetic campuses, highest job placement rates and most notorious party reputation in the state, UW-Stout kicks the shit out of every other 4-year campus beneath Madison. Oh, and one of the best men's hockey teams in the country to boot.

Often imitated on Thursday nights around the state, but never duplicated... UW-Stout.

Jackie: Hey! I got into UW-Stevens Point!

John: Really? I'm sorry!

Jackie: Why?

John: Because your going to a trashy hippie school with no decent partying where everything about it blows a dick

Jackie: Oh shit, *crying*

John: Put your app in at UW-Stout, we do it right! Believe that!

by DoubleDKegs July 26, 2009

129๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

Uwe Boll

An absolute joke to the movie industry and the worst director in the history of mankind. He couldn't make a good movie if his pathetic life depended on it. This asshole makes Michael Bay look like fucking Steven Spielberg. People compare him to Ed Wood. Well, that's an insult to Ed Wood. At least Ed Wood loved movie making and was enthuastic that was shadowed by his poor filmmaking skills. All Uwe Boll cares about is his publicity and he will sink to extremely low levels to do so. One of his most famous stunts was challenging critics to boxing matches. Well, once he found out who he was facing, he backed down like the pussy against everyone who was bigger and stronger than him. Then he finally decides to beat the shit out of some wimpy critic who has absolutely no boxing training. What a fucking pansy.

In his latest attempt at controversy he sinks to an even lower level. He decides to make a 9/11 parody based on a shitty game called Postal. It's pretty pathetic if you want to exploit a terrible terrorist attack to get your name in the paper. Now liberal fucktards are creaming their pants everywhere thanks to him.

Where the fuck does he get his money to fund his films and WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE DECIDE TO WORK WITH HIM?!

I'd rather drink diarrhea vomited out of a buffalo's anus than watch an Uwe Boll movie.

by Uwe Boll should die April 16, 2007

236๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž

gooey uwe

A sexual act performed after multiple rounds of Patchwork as foreplay whereby the man ejaculates on his opponent's face and sticks as many patchwork game tiles as possible until one falls off.

Who's up for a game of patchwork? Loser gets the Gooey Uwe.

by Sonoflars June 7, 2021

Policing UWS

An individual currently undertaking a Policing degree within the University of Western Sydney. Often this individual embraces qualities and render him or her unable to complete even the simplest of tasks without resorting to threatening to beat someone with a rubber hose in the nude.

"That Policing UWS student gave me the hose"

by Gregorian September 23, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž